Chapter 6

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I finally woke up around noon and panicked for a minute when I was in bed somewhere other than my hotel. I suddenly had flashes of some of the stuff that happened last night and remembered Josh just took me home.

Oh crap! Josh!

I was in bed alone with a t shirt on and some oversized pajama bottoms. I must’ve changed before I crashed because I doubt Josh would do this himself.

I sat up in bed and immediately grabbed my head. Why was it pounding? Ugh, this sucks. I looked at the nightstand beside the bed and there was a note with two pills on it pinned down by a bottle of water. I reached over and grabbed the note.

Here’s some pills for your head, you drank a lot last night! Hope it helps. I had to run to the studio real quick but hopefully I’ll be back before you wake up.

I smiled and took the pills gratefully. I laid back down for a couple of minutes when suddenly I started hearing music from across the room.

Did you say “please just follow me?”

I thought you wanted me

Cause I want you all to myself

“What in the world?” I mumbled to myself as I went to retrieve my phone from my pant pocket. Caller ID had Josh’s name and face on it. I smiled to myself.


“You’re awake!” he said very enthusiastically into the phone.

I winced a little, “And a bit hung over. Inside voice please.”

He chuckled, “Oops, sorry about that. You did pretty well for yourself last night considering how much you had to drink.”

“Thanks?” it came out like a question. I remembered my ringtone. “Oh and ‘All to Myself?’ Really, Josh?”

He laughed, “I wanted you to know when I specifically called! That and it’s fun, like me so it would get you mentally prepared to talk to me.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at almost everything he said. He has no idea how much I secretly hoped he set that specific song because he actually wanted me. That would be absurd though and his reasoning makes more sense. I mean, I was lucky enough just to befriend him, I can’t start getting selfish.

“Anyways, did you have a real reason for calling me?” I asked.

“Oh yeah!” He suddenly remembered he called me I guess. “One, I wanted to make sure your ass was awake. Two, the guys are with me right now and I think we were going to head back to my place so do whatever it is you do to get ready.”

I looked at myself in the mirror in his bathroom and realized I was a mess. Crap. This is going to be hard. They only saw me like this when they were also drunk. Besides Josh.

“Mind if I use your shower?” I asked shyly.

“Sure, go ahead. You’ll smell like man though.”

I laughed and blushed at the idea of me smelling remotely like him. “It’s ok. I think I’ll live.”

“Alright, see you in a bit, Texas.” He said.

I hung up and just smiled to myself. How on earth did I get this lucky? Like seriously?

I looked around his room and figured if he let me borrow some clothes last night then he probably wouldn’t care if I borrowed more for today. It would give me another reason to see him later or if that didn’t happen, I could keep his stuff forever. I laughed to myself and muttered, “You are ridiculous.”

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