Chapter 36

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***Emma’s POV

It’s been a couple of months since Katie visited us. I’m glad she made such an impression when she came because now Mike and her are pretty good buds. I guess Josh and me leaving her alone with him so often did some good.

I had an extremely long day at work and the only thing that made it bearable was the fact Josh texted me saying he would be waiting for me at Mike’s when I got home with dinner. There was nothing that made my day better than Josh being around.

I opened my apartment door and called out, “Hey, I’m home!”

Mike came out of the kitchen, “Hey! How was work?”

“Terrible.” I said as I set down my bag. I looked around the apartment, “Where’s Josh?”

Mike plopped on the couch, “Him and Jessica are grabbing some dinner for us.”

“Oh.” I said slightly disappointed and I joined him.

Over the last couple of months, it seems like Jessica has been spending more and more time with Josh. Mike seemed to know what I was thinking.

“Does it bother you how much time they spend together?”

“Nope. I trust Josh.” I said shortly.

“What about Jessica?” he asked.

“I trust Josh.” I repeated. “She knows he’s my boyfriend and she has Matt.”

She’s just really strange. She seemed cool when I first met her but as time went on I’ve sort of started regretting bringing her around. I didn’t realize she’d be so – what’s a good word for this? Friendly. It weirded me out sometimes and made me a little uncomfortable. She was really pretty.

“Have you talked to him about it?”

“About what?” I asked after I pulled myself from my thoughts.

“About how he’s making you a bit jealous.” Mike explained.

“I’m not jealous.” I said quickly, making Mike give me a look. “I just don’t understand why she spends so much time with Josh when she has Matt. Has Matt noticed this?”

“I don’t think he really cares.” Mike shrugged. “They aren’t in a serious relationship.”

“I would imagine him caring a little bit because Jessica is his girlfriend.”

As if on cue, Matt walked in.

He looked around, “Where’s Jess?”

Mike spoke up before I said something bitter sounding, “She should be here in a few minutes.”

Matt shrugged and joined us on the couch. Matt took out his phone.

“Hey, Mike, did you…?” he held up his phone and Mike just nodded.

I looked at them a little confused but didn’t care enough to ask. I was still thinking about Jessica being out with Josh. What was taking them so long?

It probably had only been about ten minutes but it felt like forever had passed when Josh and Jessica finally walked through the door laughing. Josh had some to-go boxes in a bag and Jessica was just giggly behind him. She looked a little surprised to see all of us on the couch.

“Oh, hey guys!” she smiled at us.

Matt and Mike both stood up from the couch at the same time.

“Well, I’m off to go to the movies.” Matt said. “I already ate.”

Mike followed him, “Me too. Mind if I come along?”

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