Chapter 26

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***Emma’s POV

I stayed in my room for hours. Mike knocked on the door to check on me but I wasn’t in the mood to talk. Not even to him. Luckily he’s good at respecting my space, unlike a certain someone.

I was lying on my floor wrapped up in a blanket with my laptop. I tried really hard to avoid it, but I eventually found myself listening to Beside You. Ugh. That man makes me crazy.

Every now and then I step back and think about my situation. I’m mad at Josh Ramsay. I clicked on Katie’s Skype profile and started to type.

Me: Why do boys suck so bad?

Katie: Aww! What happened this time? L

Me: Josh punched a guy I was seeing because the guy was a jerk to me.

I hadn’t exactly told Katie much about Brad. Honestly, I kind of knew Brad and I wouldn’t work out, but he was the only guy who wasn’t Jake who was interested in me.

Katie: Wait. Are you mad at Josh or the other guy?

I had to think about that. Now that I told someone what happened, I was now a bit confused about my feelings.

Me: A little of both I think.

Me: Now I’m a little embarrassed.

My phone vibrated. I had a text from Josh.

Can we please talk?

I exited out of the text and sighed.

Katie: I can see why you’d be mad at the other guy but why are you mad at Josh?

Me: I thought I was mad because he resorted to punching the guy but now I think I was just upset in general and took it out in Josh. I feel dumb now :/

Katie: Has he tried talking to you since?

Me: He texted me a few times but I’ve ignored him.

Katie: Listen to you. YOU are IGNORING texts from JOSH RAMSAY. Do you see the problem with that statement?

I mentally face palmed myself.

Me: I know. I just don’t know what to say. I think I’m just going to let this blow over.

Katie: Maybe that’s best. Keep me posted though!

Katie: Btw, Jake approves of what Josh did.

I rolled my eyes.

Me: So you and Jake, huh? ;)

Katie: OMG no, Emma! Well, I’ve got to go. We’re going to catch a movie. I’ll talk to you as soon as we get back! Love you, girl!

Me: Have fun! ;)

I smiled to myself. I miss them. I think this was a sign that they were definitely getting closer which is exactly what I want. Jake and Katie are so good together. I of course get to take credit for them.

I sighed. Talking to at least one of them always made me feel better. I love talking to Mike and all, but there’s times where I just need someone from home. I really miss Texas. Sometimes when things like this happen, I wish I could just go back home.

I checked my phone and saw that it was already about ten thirty. I stood up and stretched before I cracked open my door to listen to the apartment. I heard the TV in the living room so I peeked around the corner to see who all was watching it if any.

Mike was asleep on the side of the couch with the remote in his hand. I smiled and got a blanket from my closet for him. I took the remote from him before I draped the blanket over him. He stirred a bit but didn’t wake up.

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