Chapter 56

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***Emma’s POV

Before I knew it, the priest was already saying, “You may kiss the bride.”

Everyone stood and clapped as they kissed and made their way down the aisle. The reception had an open bar so I thought that might turn into a problem later. For now, I was just going to enjoy my spare time because I didn’t get a lot of it. Everyone was mingling and dancing to the music. I had just finished helping Katie get into a more comfortable dress and shoes when I saw Josh approaching me from across the dance floor.

 “May I have this dance, my lady?” Josh bowed while holding out his hand.

I giggled and curtsied, “Why, yes, fine sir, you may.”

We honestly didn’t really dance; we just kind of swayed with each other really closely. It was really nice. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Mike and Katie as they held each other on the dance floor. They were whispering to each other, sneaking in little kisses in between their smiles and mutters of “I love you” to one another.

“Look at them; they’re so happy.” I said as I watched them.

“Yeah,” Josh said. “They do.”

“I’m so happy for them. I can’t imagine anyone better for her than Mike.” I said.

Mike at that moment bent down so he could give Katie’s baby bump a small kiss. I couldn’t help but let out an “aww” when I saw that. Josh smiled down at me and I immediately thought of the night I showed Josh my scars. A wave of emotion flooded over me and I buried my face in his chest before any possibly tears began to form.

He was too good to me. I’ll never understand why he decided to be with me.

Josh rested his head on top of mine and said, “I love you.” as he kissed the top of my head while holding me closer.

It wasn’t too long after that Katie needed me to help work something out with the caterer and then needed me to help locate the missing cake cutter. The list went on and on. Eventually I was released from my duties for a while so I went to go find Josh.

I’m not sure why I was so surprised when I saw Josh spending time with my parents but it was nice to see that they were getting along. I decided to head over to them and see what they were talking about.

“Hey guys.” I smiled as I wrapped my arm around Josh’s waist.

“Hey, babe.” He smiled before he gave me a quick kiss as he put his arm around my waist.

“What did you think of the wedding?” I asked.

“I thought it was great. You did a really good job with helping Katie out.” Josh assured me.

“Well, she pretty much had the entire thing planned so my job was easy.” I laughed.

My parents just kind of smiled at me very enthusiastically that made me giggle nervously. Josh cleared his throat.

“Well, how about I get you a drink so you can actually start to enjoy the reception?” he smiled.

“Sounds great. Thanks!” I said as he walked away.

I turned to face my parents to find them still beaming at me. It was starting to make me a little uncomfortable and confused.

“What’s up?” I smiled suspiciously.

“Josh is a really great guy, Emma. I really like him for you.” My mom said.

“Me too. I think I’ll keep him around for a while.” I laughed.

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