Chapter 10

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***Josh's POV

“I read this place was really good.” Ian said as we got out the car.

I don’t understand, we all tour together and yet, on our time off, we still carpool sometimes. You would think we would have enough of each other. I guess it’s habit now.

“Yeah, but it’s a bummer Emma couldn’t come with us.” Mike said casually.

At least I think it was casually. He could be teasing me. I’ll ignore it either way.

“Maybe if you guys had mentioned it earlier, she could’ve asked off.” I shot back.

“Why was it our job to do that? You’re the one who’s with her almost all the time she’s not working.” Matt smirked.

“Oh shut up. We’re like her only friends here and I just happen to make time for her more often than you guys do.” It makes sense, right? Just two buds. Pals. Amigos.

“We can’t make much time for her when all her time is dedicated to you.” Mike joined in.

They all laughed and I just ignored them as we were seated at a table. This place did seem good, a bit busy though but I guess that came with the territory.

As we were looking through the menu, there was a huge crash near the kitchen entrance. We all kind of glanced over to see a couple of waiters and waitresses had collided and dropped their trays on the floor.

“Well that sucks.” I muttered and went back to looking through the menu.

“I hope that doesn’t happen to our food.” Mike said while pointing behind him.

“I doubt it.” Ian said. “That’ll probably make everyone pay more attention for the rest of the night.”

Ian was right, the rest of the night ran smoothly and the food was great. It really was a bummer that Emma couldn’t come. I checked my phone and she hadn’t tried to call or text me at all. Usually when she closes it’s kind of dead so she’ll sneak me a few texts. I guess they’re busy tonight or her manager is being a bitch. I doubt that because everyone there seems to absolutely love her. No surprise there. I decided to text her.

You would definitely like this place. We should come back on a night you’re not working.

This place wasn’t fancy or anything so it wouldn’t be weird. Besides her and I hang out alone sometimes. It’s no big deal. That’s what friends do, right?

It wasn’t until well after I got home that she finally texted me back.

Sorry, had a late night at work then had a Skype date with Jake.

Ugh. Jake.

I know he’s Emma’s best guy friend back home, she’s known him for years, has no feelings for him, blah blah blah but I can’t help but get a little annoyed when she brought him up. She talked about him a lot.

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