Chapter 63

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***Mike’s POV

Babies are everywhere. Seriously, since when have there been so many children in the world? Had I not noticed until I had one of my own on his way?

From the point that I got into that cab to the point where I got on the plane to Vancouver, I saw nothing but children everywhere. Parents comforting crying babies, new parents struggling to do things as simple as opening doors because their child was sleeping in their arms, parents playing peek-a-boo for long periods of time with their babies and still somehow smiling about it.

What if I couldn’t do that? What if I wasn’t able to handle a baby? What if I was a terrible parent? What if Katie leaves me because I tour so much?

My phone buzzed in my pocket right after I took my seat and I suddenly remembered I forgot to put it in flight mode. I saw I had a new text from Emma.

Katie’s barely dilated about an inch and a half. You won’t miss anything.

I gave a small sigh of relief. Emma knows me too well. This plane ride will still be long as hell but at least I know that I won’t miss the birth of my child.

My child.

The words echoed in my mind. Holy shit. I’m having a kid. I am having a kid. My palms became sweaty and I was suddenly very uncomfortable in my seat. I needed air.


The seat belt sign just flashed on. Too late now, I had a very long 45 minute flight to endure before could head to the hospital to see my wife.

I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I had a wife let alone a kid! Ugh! I placed my face in my hands and groaned.

“Is this your first time flying?” a voice next to me asked.

I sat up and tried to laugh. If only you knew…

“No, I’m just really anxious to get back home.” I said as upbeat as I could manage to the smiling woman next to me.

“What’s at home?” she asked as she turned slightly towards me to give me her full attention.

I paused while I tried finding my words because they sounded so surreal when I thought about them, “My wife is in labor with our baby.”

“Oh,” the woman said, looking slightly put out as she quickly glanced at my left hand that clutched my knee to keep it from bouncing with anticipation. “That’s kind of a big deal. Good luck with that.”

“Thanks.” I said before pulling out my phone to look at the picture of Katie and me on my background.

I felt slightly calmer just looking at her smiling face. I took a deep breath. I could do this. I’ll make it in time. I could do this.

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