Chapter 41

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*****As I was writing this, I realized that I have made an incredibly large gap between Masterpiece Theatre and Ever After coming out. Oh well, it's a fan fic, right? Well, onwards with the story! :)

***Josh’s POV

I was so excited to get home to my studio. I looked at my phone and saw it was about seven in the morning. The curtains were drawn so I hadn’t seen the sun come up. I rubbed my tired eyes and yawned as I stretched.

I decided to get up and shower because it was too late to go back to sleep. Emma would most likely be up and about in about an hour or so. I picked up a coke from a vending machine in the hallway on my way to Emma’s apartment. I caught sight of myself in the reflection of the rental car’s windows. I looked like hell.

I sighed to myself as I unlocked the door and started to drive. Thankfully it wasn’t too far away because I wasn’t sure just how well I would be doing on the road for longer distances in this state. I pulled up to the familiar buildings and slowly made my way up the stairs. Jake was an early morning runner so he just left the door unlocked for me whenever he got back home.

When I walked in, Emma walked into the living room with a toothbrush in her mouth to make sure it was me. She smiled and went back to the bathroom. I heard the facet turn on and I made my way to the couch. She came back with an even bigger smile on my face, which was a pretty big deal for her because we both know she’s not a morning person. I love the fact I can still make her smile when she just wakes up.

I noticed she was wearing one of my shirts to bed again. This girl. I don’t think any other girl can pull off shirts that are way too big for her the way my girl can.

When Emma was close enough to get a good look at me, her smile fell some.

“Are you feeling ok? You don’t look so good.” She looked concerned as she sat beside me and started checking my forehead and face for a fever.

“I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep like at all last night.” I said as I stretched.

Emma didn’t look very happy about that.

“If you want, you can go lay down in my bed and rest. You need sleep.” She suggested.

That sounded nice but she just woke up. I didn’t want to waste time I could be spending with her. I mean, I just got her back.

“No, it’s fine.” I said while rubbing my eyes and stifling a yawn.

She didn’t look too convinced. She stood up from the couch.

“Well, the offer still stands. I’m going to get some breakfast, want anything?”

I held up my coke, “Nope. I’m good.”

She smiled at me and pecked me on the cheek before she made her way to the kitchen. I turned on the TV and the Wizard of Oz happened to be playing. It looked like she just landed in the land of midgets. I don’t really know why I found them so amusing, I just did. I heard Emma giggle from the kitchen when she heard what I was watching. Her back was to the TV but I heard her humming along to the song.

Follow the yellow brick road

Follow the yellow brick road

Follow follow follow follow

Follow the yellow brick road

That’s it!

I whipped my phone out my pocket and started typing whatever came to mind. Emma joined me on the couch again with two bagels on her plate. She handed me one and giggled at me.

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