^^^^YOUR GIRL BELLA ACTUALLY GOT PUBLISHED IN A BOOK AHHHH (and yes, that is my last name hahaha) IM SO HAPPY
Texting Ashton
You: hiiiiiiii buddy
Ash: buddy
Ash: ok
You: something up, pal?
Ash: yeah, something's definitely up ;)
You: ok goodbye
Ash: no, no! Don't go I'm sorry
You: will you stop being gross?
Ash: maybe
You: eh, that's good enough
Ash: I hear that loads of times, actually
You: awww ash
You: you seem really down
Ash: I am
You: why?
Ash: it's embarrassing
You: come onnnnn
You: I've been your best friend all your life, I've seen you naked thousands of times! There's nothing you could possibly do that could embarrass you more than you ever had
Ash: thanks, (Y/N) -_-
Ash: I'm just frustrated
You: in what way?
Ash: stressfully, and well, sexually
You: ohhhhhhhh
You: well you've got two hands, work something out
Ash: now look who's being gross, huh?
You: ok ok
You: well I mean, do you have a crush on someone?
Ash: kinda, but it's more than a crush
Ash: I'm... I'm in love with [her/him/them]
You: awwwwwwwww
You: well then ask them out, and maybe in a few months your frustration just may go away
Ash: I can't ask [her/him/them] out
You: why not?
Ash: [she'd/he'd/they'd] say no
You: how do you know?
Ash: I just know, okay?
Ash: can we please drop this, pleaseeeee
You: fine
You: wanna play truth or dare
Ash: sure
You: truth or dare?
Ash: hmm, dare
You: come to my house tomorrow and bring pizza w/ you
Ash: now that's something I can definitely guarantee
Ash: truth or dare?
You: hmm... dare
Ash: send nudes?
You: haha, no
You: jk, here you go?
You: *Image Attached*
Ash: (Y/N) that's your tan-colored bedroom wall
You: hey you've never said what TYPE of nudes
You: you think my body is beautiful?
Ash: of course I do, (Y/N). And it's not just your body, it's your mind, your face, your personality. I really love you, you know.
You: truth or dare
Ash: wow ok
Ash: truth, I guess
You: tell me who your crush is, please
Ash: no.
You: pleaseeeeeee
Ash: I can't
Ash: it'll ruin everything
You: is it me?
You: bc if it's me it won't ruin everything
Ash: ...
You: it's me, isn't it?
Ash: it's always been you, (Y/N). Always.
*btw in my opinion asking for nudes is quite rude and objectifying so irl if anyone ever asks me for nudes I'll block them immediately
I wanna go to a Harry Styles concert sooooo bad omg and he's playing in radio city (I've been there before lol) and i live near there ahhh
QOTC: who is your favorite poet?
my answer: I have tons, but I gotta go with Edgar Allan Poe :)
love you to the moon and back xx