Sparks Fly - Yuta

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Still missing home, you thought, rolling out of bed. You're a college student, studying abroad in South Korea. Your good friend, Yuta, heard of you coming and invited you to stay at his place instead of renting an apartment.

   You gladly took up the offer.

   You met Yuta a while ago when your parents would visit South Korea with you every other summer to see friends of theirs who happened to have a kid the same age as you. Thus, the friendship began.

   You threw your hair up in a ponytail and headed out of your room. Yuta wasn't anywhere in sight, so you guessed he was probably out shopping, working -since you still haven't figured out his work schedule-, or still asleep. It's fairly normal to not know where he is in the mornings, so you usually go with it until noon. You then send a text making sure of where he is.

    To pass time, you pulled out the vacuum and started cleaning around the house for Yuta.

    Soon after you start filling the sink with water to start mopping. You turned on your favorite playlist and cranked up the volume. Using your power vocals (A/N: good or bad), you belted out the notes along with your music. Even if you knew of Yuta's location being in the house, you were still completely comfortable singing out as loud as possible and he would sometimes, SOMETIMES, belt things out along side you. If not, he would just laugh and smile watching you.

    You began mopping the floor, occasionally dancing around with the handle as if it were a partner to some routine. You were so caught up in your dancing you didn't even notice Yuta quietly come out from his room. When he saw you mopping and dancing, he chuckled to himself, leaning against the door frame to watch, arms crossed over his chest.
   You finished out the section of the floor you were working on, so you start to take your mop to the sink. When you turn around, still singing with all you have, you shriek and jump back. Yuta laughed, bending over and clapping at how jumpy you were. You place your hand over your chest to feel the fast beating as you use your other hand to turn down the music.

   "Yuta!" you started, half laughing, half scolding. You started walking over to him, dragging your soaking mop behind you. "You scared me!"

   You began to hit him on the shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to scold your friend for startling you.

   Yuta held up his hands defensively, a grin still pressed on his face. "Why are you cleaning anyways?" he asked you.

   "Cleaning makes me feel more at home."

   "If the dirtiness of my house bothers you, you could've said something. I would've cleaned it for you."

   "No, no." You shook your head. "I mean, I feel at home when I'm cleaning."

   "Oh," Yuta slowly nodded. "Why would you want to clean? I don't understand you."

   "I'm glad the feeling is mutual." You poked him in the side, causing him to flinch away. A smile quickly showed, but then faded just as fast. It made you chuckle, knowing Yuta's little secret about being ticklish on his sides.

   You go in for a couple more strikes, forgetting about the mop loosely placed under your arm. As Yuta begs for mercy under his laughs, you continue sneaking in pokes. All of a sudden, a huge pop bursts in the air, almost killing your eardrums. You screamed, dropping the mop and seeing a flash of white light from the corner of your eye.

   Hands wrap around your waist and you're quickly pulled away from the sparks. Your eyes tightly close as arms engulf you. When the sizzling finally comes to a stop, you slowly open your eyes and lower the hands you didn't know where covering your face until now. During the sudden burst you somehow ended up being wrapped up in Yuta's arms, his back turned to the source, blocking you from danger.

   You saw the mop on the group right under a smoking outlet. The mop must have bumped into it when you were teasing Yuta, using his weakness against him.

   You honestly could have stayed there wrapped in his arms forever. The black sweatshirt he had on felt good on your bare arms and the feeling of your head rested against his chest was soothing. However, you couldn't let this moment go without teasing him further.

   "Wow," you awed. "Yuta, did you just try and save me?" A mischievous smile spread on your face as you looked up at him.

   He must have just realized how tightly he was holding you because he suddenly let you go and backed away a couple steps. "It was just instinct," he told you.
   "Awe," you cooed. "Does Yuta have a heart?"

   You saw him roll his eyes. "Shut up," he muttered, turning around to go back into his room. "I hope you have fun cleaning. Just don't try to burn the house down."

~ ~ ~

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first one shot imagine type thing. I take suggestions anytime. Thank you!

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