See You Tomorrow - Chenle

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(For numbzzz ~ and thank you so much for being patient, I've been trying to do a lot with writing lately and I haven't been working on this imagines book as much as I should. I also meant to close requests during the last part, but forgot to mention it, so I'm officially closing them now. They'll open back up eventually, I promise )

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It was about nine in the evening and you sat in your room behind a computer. You slowly exhaled with a feeling of boredom. Today seemed to pass slowly with you not having much to do and you missing your boyfriend, Chenle.

The two of you are in a long-distance relationship. It's mainly based off of screens and devices since it's almost impossible to actually meet up with his busy schedule. Even communication via technology was difficult with the time zones.

The two of you met around the time of NCT Dream's debut. You were on vacation in South Korea and saw the group of boys walking around. You didn't give it that much attention until you noticed them walking passed you for about the third time. A certain bubbly guy giggled and asked you if you knew NCT Dream. At the time, you didn't know the name so they introduced themselves. Chenle doing so twice.

"Didn't you already introduce yourself?" you asked him.

"I'm just making sure you remember me the most," he let out a small laugh and couldn't erase the smile on his face. "By the way, I'm Chenle."

You laughed as he gave himself yet another introduction. You were sad to part from them, finding the group to be quite funny and enjoyable, but knew you couldn't hang around them forever. Though, later on, you noticed Chenle looking around the same store you were strolling around in. You watched him scan the walls and clothes. It was suspicious, considering he was looking around in the girl's section.

"I think that sundress would look great on you," you told the boy.

He turned around, acting very surprised to see you. "Oh, hello there! Wow, I didn't expect to see you here!" he let out a shy laugh and lightly scratched his arm. "Do you... do you want anything to eat?"

How could you say no to that face?

He bought you both something to eat and drink, and soon you two became close through long conversations and hanging out for a few hours. Chenle wanted to see you once more before you left to go back home. You agreed. There, he gave you a way of contacting him so the two of you could stay in touch.

Flash forward, and Chenle eventually confessed his feelings over a face-call. You let him know that you returned the feeling. This was the beginning of a long-distance relationship. Chenle often sent you items and cards that came from the places he's been from touring for showcases or just visiting. If it was possible, Chenle would try his best to book a time to visit you. This has happened a couple times, but the visits didn't last for long.

You shut off the computer and fell back onto your bed, lost in the thought of it. The sound of your ringing phone snapped you back. The screen lit up with a picture of Chenle and his caller ID. You quickly answered his call.


"Hi, (y/n)!" You could hear his giggle through the phone. "I can't talk for long because I'm about to get on the plane. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!"

"Wait, Chenle—" but the line was cut before you could ask anything.

I'll see you tomorrow.

You let the words sink in, suddenly jumping up from your bed. Chenle was boarding a plane on his way to come see you. Out of excitement, you struggled to fall asleep that night. Though, you knew you needed to be well rested because if Chenle is visiting you, you need to have all the energy you can for the big plans he always comes up with on the long flights.

The next morning, you received a message from Chenle to meet him at a cafe to start off the day. You walked in, looking around the place to find Chenle. You didn't see him at first, but suddenly felt arms wrap around you from behind. You turned to see Chenle with a huge grin on his face. He, once again, engulfed you with his hug while you returned it.

"I can't believe you came," you said, words muffled from burying your face against his shoulder. "Your surprises are the best."

"I get to stay in town for the next five days." Chenle backed up a bit, but still gently held onto your shoulders. "And I'm spending every single one of them with the one I love."

You showed him a fake expression of disappointment. "Jisung?"

He tilted his head back and let out a laugh. "No, I'm talking about you." Chenle cutely booped your nose. He then picked up two drinks from the table behind him. "I also ordered you your favorite drink."

You took the cup with a smile surfacing on your face. With a sip, it proved that it really was your favorite. "Even though we spend most of this relationship on a screen, you still know me so well."

"Of course. Speaking of your favorites," Chenle swung an arm around your shoulders, "I've planned out these next five days to be filled with us doing some of your favorite things."

The two of you walked out of the cafe to spend the rest of his time in town together.

~ ~ ~

(A/N): Yeet I recently published the third book to my Haunted series. I couldn't help myself sdffksf aLso I'm about to adopt everyone in BOYSTORY these kids I swEAr especially Zeyu like mY SON
I just want to give them chocolate and gummies (or teddy bear jellies lol)

Qotd: Favorite Chenle moment?

Aotd: Honestly anytime he laughs

Next: Ten scenario

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