Choose Your Fate: Taeyong or Yuta?

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(I mentioned this at the end of my last imagine, but I'm starting another series in my series that's like Click Your Heart, if you've seen it. Basically, I write the part leading up to where you get to make the decision on who you want to end up with. I hope you enjoy)

   "Wow, who knew you could be such a gentleman!" You awed jokingly as Yuta opened the car door for you.

   Yuta chuckled. "Come on." He motioned you to the building. Yuta had picked you up at the airport not too long ago. You finally got the chance to fly over to see you best friend in person after a long time because of his busy career.

   "I'm surprised you hardly get time to see me considering you only get, what, one small line a song? If that?" you teased.

   "You be quiet." He wagged a warning finger at you, opening up the door to where him and the rest of NCT 127 are staying. "And behave when I introduce you to the other members."

   You rolled your eyes. "No promises."

   The door was pushed open and Yuta stuck his head in. "I have someone I want you guys to meet!" he yelled into the NCT dorm.

   Two boy came rushing to the door. One of the two had a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. "Hi," he greet, smiling as white toothpaste foam showed in his mouth.

   You laughed and nodded a greeting.

   "Jaehyun," Yuta started, pulling the toothbrush out of his mouth, "you don't greet people with toothpaste dripping down your chin."

   Jaehyun took back his toothbrush and retreated inside.

   The other boy chuckled at the one called Jaehyun. "I'm Taeyong, the leader."

   "Nice to meet you."

   "Well are you going to stand out here all day or..." Yuta said, taking a step inside, squeezing passed Taeyong. You sighed, following him.

   Inside, the dorm wasn't what you would say a pig's stye, but it was a pretty good mess.

   Another male was rushing around, throwing spare socks scattered on the floor into a basket.

   "Johnny!" Taeyong exclaimed. "I told you to pick things up hours ago! I said Yuta was bringing his friend, (y/n), around this time."

   Johnny shrugged. "I got busy."

   "Its fine. It's not like Yuta's area back home was any better," you put in.

   The comment scored a laugh from both Taeyong and Johnny. Yuta glared, then pulled you into a head lock, ruffling your hair.

   "Yah, let me go!" You laughed.

   Later, the rest of the members had finished tidying up and were now scattered around the living room, surrounding you.

   "What was little Yuta like?" The one named Doyoung asked.

   "Not much different. Stubborn, as usual," you answered.

   People found your answers to be amusing and continued asking things. Yuta grumbled things under his breath, not enjoying the stories as much as the others.

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