Long Distance Relationship with Jeno

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~Alright, Alright, I'm gonna die after this because I love Jeno so much. Here we go.

~You two met when you were traveling in South Korea, mostly Seoul.

~You were probably shopping and bumped into him.

~Let me make this short, since the backstory isn't the main point: you two hit it off, exchanged numbers, you went home, he confessed over FaceTime or some video chat app after you guys have talked for a while.

~This boy would text you whenever possible.

~Always asking if you ate.

~If you didn't he would threaten to fly across the ocean right then and there and make you eat.

~This boy would make sure you never starve.

~He would want to video call you whenever your waking up and he's going to bed, or when your about to sleep and he's waking up, since that's when you both are least busy.

~If he isn't practicing, he's texting/video calling you.

~Also a lot of audio messages so he can hear your voice when you two can't video call.

~He always wants to send you things.

~He even sent you his sweatshirt just so you can have a part of him with you physically.

~He gets really happy when he sees you wearing it while video chatting.

~Sometimes it would be hard for the both of you.

~With the different time zones making you two crazy *totally didn't somewhat quote the song Jet Lag by Simple Plan PSHHHH which it's a perfect song for a long distance relationship... because... that's what it's about...*

~All he wants is to see you in person.

~So he does.

~Jeno waited for a time where he wasn't busy and could get away.

~He was aloud to visit you for about a week.

~You had no idea he was coming because he wanted it to be a surprise.

~You were just sitting in the library with a couple friends studying.

~He was texting you to see where you were.

~Jeno casually walked into the library and right up to where you were.

~"You come here often?"

~You jumped out of your seat and wouldn't let him go, but that was okay with him because he couldn't let you go.

~The other Dreamies surprised you, too.

~Everyone spends the whole day together.

~Obviously getting ice cream at some point, and seeing a movie.

~That week was probably the best week of his life.

~He was really sad to leave.

~He almost dragged you on the plane with him.

~Long distance is hard for anyone, but it was completely worth it for him, as long as he got to be with you <3

(A/N):... Ayyyy ;) I'm in a very weird mood. It's like I'm not even awake right now, idk. But yeah, I think I'm dead. Have a good day ;)

Qotd: What's your battery percentage? Heh, mines 69 ;)

Next: Dear Yuta (yet another new series ;) I need to stop using winking faces oml)

P.s. I can't believe I mentioned this when I originally published, but please pray for the people in Las Vegas. My mom is currently flying over there for a business trip and when we heard about the horrible things that happened, she considered not going, but it was too short notice and she went to the airport this morning. I know the shooter is dead, but please keep everyone in mind. Thank you.

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