Moonlight - Jaemin (pt.2)

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You were too afraid to leave your house after that night you were almost kidnapped. However, that coming Monday morning, you had to leave for school. You reported what happened to you to your parents, earning you a certain frame of being grounded for leaving in the middle of the night but they were happy that you ended up being okay. The police were called to try an catch the guy. However, you left out an important piece of information.

You never told them about Jaemin saving you. Instead, you told them you were able to escape on your own. For some reason, you couldn't give him away.

Since Jaemin saved you, you feel a kind of trust towards him despite how mysterious he may be. You couldn't get the image out of your head of him turning to just barely look at you the night he stopped the stranger from kidnapping you. How attractive and sharp his face looked with the moonlight shining down from the sky.

At school, you saw him walking through the hall. His books were held to his side with one arm. You noticed the slight glance to you as he quickened his pace.

"Jaemin," you called out.

He suddenly stopped walking, but didn't turn your way. You made your way towards the boy and walked into his field of vision. You started to think about what to say since you didn't really plan out this interaction and how you would get the answers to all your questions.

Jaemin's dark eyes connected with your gaze. His stare almost seemed intimidating and strong. You were caught on your words.

"Uh, I just wanted to talk," you finally got out. "About that situation..."

They wasn't a reply; only a continued stare that he seemed to be able to hold forever. You glanced away with a feeling of uncomfortableness and bit the inside of your cheek before asking, "Why were you even there in the first place?"

"I usually take walks in the forest at night." Jaemin shrugged. "It just feels relaxing to me."

"How did you hit that guy so hard? I don't even think a full grown man could throw someone so far back with just a punch," you went on. "I-I don't mean to say you look weak. You don't."

Heat began to rise to your cheeks.

Jaemin blinked slowly. "There are things in this world that you don't believe in, and it's a good thing you don't."

"What are you talking about?" Curiosity peaked. "Jaemin, we barely know each other, but I feel like I owe you my trust. You saved my life."

"You really shouldn't get close to me." Jaemin began to walk away, gently brushing past your shoulder. "You could get hurt."

You turned to watch him walk down the hallway, realizing now that not only do you trust him... but you like Jaemin.

Jaemin Flashback

It wasn't more than five months ago when Jaemin and his parents packed up their things and moved. Jaemin was always a happy person and never failed to smile. Until that one night, Jaemin was outside by himself.

In the forest, he came across a small shack that was still on the corner of their property. Jaemin wondered about the small shelter and eventually took a closer look. Before opening the door, Jaemin saw a shadow cross the window from the inside. Out of terror, Jaemin ran back home and reported it to his parents. They had no idea about the shack in the forest.

It was ordered to be taken down, and in no time, the shack was gone. Jaemin wasn't as scared anymore, and felt free again to roam around the night. That's when Jaemin came face to face with an old lady. Her face was wrinkled and she wore tattered clothing; all in black.

"You and your family are to blame for the disappearance of my house," the old lady spoke in a raspy. Her gray eyes squinted at Jaemin while his heart pounded in his ribcage. Her bony fingers gripped his shoulders tightly. The feeling of her long fingernails pressed against his collarbones. "That house was more than shelter, but also everything I own. You left me with nothing."

"I'm sorry!" Jaemin cried. He couldn't look her in the face. Her words come out with a sour breath that closed the back of Jaemin's throat.

"You may be shouting, my dear, but actions speak louder." The old lady released one hand and covered Jaemin's forehead. "To pay you and your family back, I curse you all to be the beasts you showed me you are. Every full moon, you will have no control over your being. You will be a pack of savage wolves, continuing your terrorizing towards all your friends and loved ones. Then you'll learn."

Jaemin's eyes began to water so he squeezed them closed. "Please, please, please..." Jaemin whispered. "Don't do this. I'm sorry."

"You will only gain back your humanity back when someone who truly trusts you and loves you will call your name while you're in your most dangerous state during a full moon. The only problem is, who is willing to get close a beast when you turn into a murderous wolf every full moon? You could kill anyone, even if you love them."

Jaemin's eyes were nearly blinded by the light created by the hag. He fell to the forest floor, eyes closed and tears streaming down his face.

The happy boy was no longer there. He was replaced with a monster.

~ ~ ~

(A/N): I feel like there will actually be four parts to this. We'll find out next time ;)

... p.s. I love Tao so much but Jeno is hanging on it's okay fam

Qotd: Do you have any ideas what I should do for my 100th part? :') I wanna do something special

Aotd: Omg I can't believe I'm almost to 100 parts and 100k reads you guys are absolutely the best and I couldn't have done it without you skxkskx I want to hug all of you and feed you cake ~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Next: Moonlight - Jaemin (pt.3)

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