Vacation with Haechan/Donghyuck

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(Starting a series within this series because why not. Also I came up with this idea while I was in Michigan so that's why I chose that as the place)

~ ~ ~

~ Alright, so you and Haechan go somewhere pretty and not hot, but not cold for summer vacation

~ You end up deciding on Michigan in the United States

(4/20/19 A/N: y'all getting salty about me picking Michigan I'm sorry :((( I just wrote this back when I only had like two readers and I was just on vacation in Michigan Ithinkit'sabeautifulplacei'msorry)

~ You try to convince him it's really beautiful and peaceful

~ He doesn't seem interested, trying to tell you you two should go somewhere cooler

~ You mention Alaska

~ He doesn't laugh at your joke. Just gives you a look

~ Two of the older members, being Taeyong and Jaehyun, join you just to keep you two in order and they thought it would be fun

~ They promised not to bother you ;)

~ You stop by Lake Michigan and walk down the shore to the Sleeping Bear Dunes (450 ft. 33 degree angle slant)

~ The guys are pretty determined to conquer the hill

~ You've done it before since your family used to come here every summer, but it's very exhausting and you don't know if you can do it again

~ You all start and about 1/4 the way through, everyone was crawling up on their hands and knees

~ 1/2 way through people are feeling the burning in their muscles. Some shirts had to go
(A/N: which, I mean, isn't a bad thing at all-)

~ You were approaching 3/4 and both you and Haechan were taking couple minute breaks together. There were times you thought you could keep going, but waited for Haechan to catch his breath, and vise-versa

~ Everyone finally got to the top. Haechan plopped onto the sand

~ You used him as a pillow

~ He was too exhausted to tease you

~ When going back down, Haechan found it a competition and started running down, challenging you

~ You quickly followed, but slower because one year you tripped and started doing summersaults without being able to stop

~ You got to the bottom and your foot caught on something

~ You had a mini heart attack, but Haechan caught you

~ He gave you a mischievous grin

~ "Someone needs to find their land legs"

~ "sHuT UP"

~ The group starts walking along the beach

~ Haechan pushes you a little towards the cool water

~ You laugh and push him away

~ This time he gives you a shove, but catches your wrist before you fall

~ This goes on for another minute until he shoves you one last time

~ But this times doesn't catch you

~ You come out of the water, soaked. At least you had your bathing suit on

~ You find Haechan cracking up

~ You shove him into the water

~ Later that day, you all find your way to the lake you wanted to stay at. It wasn't one of the Great Lakes, but it was pretty great in your heart since you and your parents went there

~ The house you all stay in is one that you're family owns and are letting you use

~ Only three rooms

~ That means two people are going to have to share

~ It ended up being Taeyong and Jaehyun, but you and Haechan were watching a movie together the first night in your room and you both ended up falling asleep soooo...

~ They rented a boat the next day because why not

~ You spent most of that day out on the boat

~ At one point you stopped and just drifted

~ You were lying out in the sun because it felt nice. Haechan told you to come see something that was in the water. You walked over to the edge where he was standing

~ How did you not see it coming?

~ Haechan pushes you in the water

~ Again

~ He laughs as you climb out

~ You scold him, but he stops you by wrapping both you and himself in a big warm towel

~ Taeyong drives the boat around a little more

~ Haechan offers you an earbud

~ You end up taking turns playing songs

~ He makes fun of your choices, but secretly loves it because it's something you enjoy

~ For a couple more days, you all walk around on the trails around the lake and go swimming

~ One night there's a Movie in the Park type of thing

~ You all go to see what movie it was

~ No one recognized it, but you enjoyed it anyways. You brought a sheet for everyone to sit on, but forgot to bring yourself a blanket

~ Even though Haechan cringed at his lovingly-ness, he cuddled you with his blanket

~ He actually loved it, but played it off cool by not telling you

~ No, like, he didn't want to let you go when it was over, but you had to stand up

~ Some shopping trips while looking around downtown

~ Taeyong and Jaehyun are secretly fanboying the whole time. Also keep giving Haechan little bits of advice, but he doesn't want to listen to them

~ Then, he eventually does

~ They told him to take you for ice cream, so he did

~ It was in the evening after eating dinner. You both chilled in the park

~ Cute little serious talks about the future, but then some jokes to lighten the mood

~ He told you you have some ice cream on your face

~ You asked where

~ He pecked you on the lips.

~ "Got it"

~ It gets you blushy and there was a slight tint of pink on his cheeks

~ Taeyong and Jaehyun told him that trick

~ The vacation has come to an end, but it was a great time

~ Haechan's already planning out other trips for you to take

~ ~ ~

(A/N): so are these good for a series? I kind of like doing things in this writing style

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