It Slipped - Jisung

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(Requested by ItzJustinSeagull and I feel bad that I didn't mention in other parts if someone requested. I'm really sorry >< I'll be sure to remember from now on. Sorry, again)

All you wanted was to get your sweet, refreshing cold tea... Not to get some spilled down the front of your shirt.

You didn't find it that big of a deal. It's not like you have any plans during the rest of your day. You were just out shopping, and about to leave.

    But, I mean... It still sucks to have tea all over your shirt. You sighed, looking down at the stain and began to try and brush it away.

    The guy who dropped his tea immediately gasped. "SORRY!" he apologized.

    You looked up at him. "It's fine, it's not like I'm going anywhere."

"O-oh, gosh... you're pretty." The boy clamped his hand. You smiled shyly, continuing to try and brush at the tea on your shirt. "It slipped," he added, quietly.

"The compliment, or the tea?"

    The boy hesitated, then let out an embarrassed laugh. "Both." He scratched the back of his neck, looking around the small tea shop. "Can I buy your drink for you?"

"I don't even know you're name, and you're already buying me something," you teased.

"Jisung," he replied, quite fast. "My name's Jisung."

"I'm (y/n)."

Jisung ended up paying for your drink out of his guilty feeling. You reminded him that it's okay and he doesn't have to feel sorry.

Jisung nodded a goodbye and left the shop. You sipped the tea he handed to you, noticing something on the side of the plastic cup. You tilted it just slightly to get a better look.

Uh, here's my number, just in case you wanted to get tea sometime. I promise I won't spill it on you ><

(A/N): eh, this one was shorter than I hoped. I just didn't know how to continue it. Alsoalittlecriney. Jisung being awkward and shy is the reason I'm existing.

Qotd: Are you a noona to Jisung? He beat me by five months and ;-;

Next: Shopping at 2 AM with Chittaphon

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