It's You - Jisung

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(Sorry for taking so long to reopen requests and all the waiting, but I definitely didn't forget ~ ShadsKpop Since the school year is ending soon, we're getting a lot of homework piled on us, plus studying for upcoming finals. Apologizes for late updates and holds on requests)

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  "Jisung!" you called from the door. Since you visited so often, it was normal for you to just walk in without needing to knock. Renjun was sitting on the couch in the living room and stood up when you entered.

   "Hey, (y/n)," he greeted. "What are you doing here?"

   "Jisung invited me over for the day."

   "(Y/n)!" The sound of Jisung's voice echoed from down the hall as he sprinted out from his room. You laughed at him almost tripping on a rug, and felt a warmth in your heart from seeing him.

   "Slow down," you told him. "We wouldn't want you to start your day off with a broken bone."

   Jisung only smiled before changing the subject. "What do you want to do today? We could go outside and walk around town, or we could stay here and I can beat you at video games."

   "Yeah, right." You stood up taller to mess up his hair. "I think we should go outside today."

   "Do you mind if I tag along?" Renjun asked. "I don't want to stay in the dorm doing nothing."

   "I don't mind," you told Renjun. "Jisung?"

   "Uh, sure." Jisung agreed to his friend joining. "But the last one to the ice cream parlor has to pay for everyone!" With that, Jisung dashed out of the front door.

   You gave an amused roll of your eyes before starting after him. Sadly, Renjun was already hot on Jisung's heals with the two of them getting a head start. The parlor wasn't terribly far, so you didn't have enough time to overtake them, making you the last to show up.

   Jisung jokingly shook his head in disapproval. "Wow, (y/n), I thought you were faster than that."

   To get him back for his comment you gave Jisung a playful push. "You better hope I have enough money."

   "No, it's okay," Renjun began as he pulled out his wallet. "I'll pay. I don't mind."

   "You don't have to do that," you tried to insist, but it was no use.

   "Thanks, Renjun. I really appreciate it," you told the boy as he handed you your order.

   "I would've paid if Renjun didn't," Jisung mentioned, stepping near you and Renjun.

   The three of you decided to pick a booth in the parlor to sit at while finishing your delicious and creamy treats. You slid into one side, waiting for the guys to pick theirs. Renjun was right behind you, so he was about to sit down on the same side. However, Jisung squeezed past and took the open spot next to you. With a weird look, Renjun sat down in the booth across from the two of you.

   The sun was nice and warm shining from the sky when you and the two boys walked back out. You were the first to walk out, followed by Renjun, then Jisung who was scrambling past Renjun. You gave him yet another weird look, but pushed it away.

   "Are you good, Jisung?" Renjun asked as he stumbled back a little. He cracked a smile as he looked at Jisung.

   "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Jisung questioned.

   Farther down the stores, there was a crack in the sidewalk that you were unaware of. The tip of your shoe caught the broken concrete and you almost tripped. Renjun was right there to catch you from falling.

   "Be careful," he warned you as his hands held you by the arms.

   Jisung's eyes immediately widened as he shoulder-checked Renjun to the side. He held your shoulders while looking deeply into your eyes. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

   "Jisung, I almost tripped. I didn't actually fall." You started to grow confused with your friend's actions. Renjun caught the same feeling.

   "I'll be right back." Renjun started to back up, making his way to a store entrance. "I need to use the restroom."

   Renjun disappeared into the furniture store, leaving you alone with Jisung, who was still clutching your arms. He soon picked up on his actions and sheepishly drew back while looking at his feet.


   He hummed his response.

   "Are you jealous?"

   Your question caused him to quickly snap his head back up. Jisung began to shake his head vigorously. "No, why would I be jealous?"

   "You kind of keep getting in Renjun's way... And pushing him whenever he's near me. Jisung, you don't have to act like that. I came over because you invited me, so I'm spending the day with you."

   "But you and Renjun—"

   "So you are jealous?" A sly smile played on your face.

   "No!" Jisung huffed in frustration. His hands combed back his hair while he looked around at the stores. "I... just want to hang out with you. I don't know why, but seeing you around Renjun is just making me feel annoyed."

   You wanted to tell him that it's jealousy that he's feeling, but you let it slide because of his stubborn self. "Jisung, even if Renjun is hanging out with us, and even if he paid for our ice cream, and is making conversation, and saved me from almost falling... you're the one that I want to spend the day with."

   Jisung was silent and unable to find a response. After a few seconds of hesitation, he finally spoke up. "Like... it's me?"

   "It's you, Jisung."


   You waited for him to continue.

   "For me, it's you too... if you get my hint."

   "Is this a confession?"

   Jisung's cheeks created a light color of pink and so did the tips of his ears. He covered his mouth to hide half of his face. "Don't say it, you're making me embarrassed."

   "Awe," you cooed. "Aren't you such a cutie."

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(A/N): I have another NCT  applyfic idea in my mind, but I'm not going to publish it until I finish the one I'm currently working on. A little spoiler: superpowers;)

Qotd: Favorite 2018 Kpop song so far?

Aotd: 'Shine' by Pentagon and Yanan's "my baby!" makes me cry sdkskd I love him

Next: Taeyong scenario

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