Countdown - Jeno

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(Getting ready for New Years with a little special ^^ Don't worry to those who have made requests, after the couple of New Years specials I will get them up ASAP. Also, I seem to always make Mork the one hosting parties XD)

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The music dimmed completely as people filtered into the big room. Your good friend Mark Lee was hosting a fairly big party for New Years. It started out as a number of just fifteen other people... but those people invited people... and then those people invited people. It soon turned into a party of fifty guests.

You and Mark don't attend the same school anymore. You did when you were younger, and hung out after school all the time. You two still talk. He even introduced you to his close group of friends at his new school.

Mark brought up a name to you in the past of a guy named Jeno. Mark thought you and Jeno would be a really cute couple, and you couldn't help but admit to finding Jeno attractive after meeting Mark's group for the first time.

They quickly welcomed you into their group, and you join them often for hang-outs. You and Jeno have talked together many times, but mostly within the group. Mark confronted you one day, seeming extra happy. You asked him what his deal was, and he told you that Jeno finds you cute.

You were surprised, and felt your heart pump violently. Ever since then, you couldn't hide your blushing face whenever talking to Jeno. You knew that you liked Lee Jeno. However, you couldn't find the confidence to actually ask him out, or admit anything to him.

"Hey Mark," you asked your friend a couple days prior to the New Years party. "What's your New Years resolution?"

"To help you grow some goddamn balls."

The huge TV in the room was switched to a count down for the New Year. Mark squeezed through to find you, but only whispered before disappearing again.

"Watch out. I sent someone your way."

"What?" You turned to him, but Mark only flashed you a smile, and winked in mischief.

   You turned back around to watch the TV. Your eyes came into contact with the ones that belong to Jeno. He was smiling brightly, showing his brilliant eye smiles.

   "Mark said you had something you wanted to tell me," Jeno said, his voice almost having to yell over the shouting of people's voices since everyone was in the room being incredibly loud. He stepped closer after a person bumped into him. It was so crowded, and the body heat was making you feel even warmer than you would be already.

   "He did?" You chuckled nervously. "Yeah, um, I didn't get the chance to say hi earlier. How are you?"

   Jeno let out a breathy laugh. "You did say hi earlier. Remember?"

   "Oh, yeah..." You internally scolded yourself for acting so awkward. Taking in a deep breath, you decided it was finally time to be honest. Your light headed feeling helped you to feel a confidence boost since you almost weren't in your "second-guessing" mode.

   "Jeno?" You started. Anxiety bubbled in your stomach. "I like you."

   Your words not only sent Jeno into a shocked expression, but also you yourself. Without any further thought, you ducked into the crowd of people, wanting to scream.

   After some time of swimming through the herd, you realized people were counting down.


   You glanced back and could see Jeno squeezing past people in your direction, apologizing when bumping into them. You scolded yourself once again.

   "Yo, (y/n)!" Mark called to you. "Where's Jeno?"

   "I told him I like him," you admitted, nervously glancing around. You saw him just breaking through a line of people "GOTTA BLAST!"

   You sunk right back into that crowd.


   "(Y/n)!" You heard Jeno yelling over the chants from everyone.

   You gasped as you were swiftly spun around. You stopped, Jeno's face just inches away from yours. His eyes glanced between yours while his breath softly fanned your face from trying to catch his breath. You held yours in anxiously.


   Jeno closed his eyes, letting his lips meet yours.


   You were stiffened with the shock his sudden kiss brought to you, but after a moment longer, you sank against him.

   After you broke apart from the kiss, all your senses came back to you. Confetti was raining down while people were cheering and starting to dance. The music was back now on full blast. You and Jeno locked eyes with expressionless faces, before softening into giggles. You noticed Jeno say something, but the noise drowned out his voice.

   "Sorry, I didn't catch that," you told him.

   "Happy New Year, (y/n)."

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(A/n): If you guys want to get a closer look at me, being myself, you should check out my book Why Are We Like This? It's basically just funny things I say or do. Also consists of a lot of MinYoongiWantsToBeMe because she's my partner in crime.

Qotd: What are you doing for New Years?

Aotd:MinYoongiWantsToBeMe is coming over, along with our other friend who doesn't have a Wattpad. Probably gonna watch/listen to K-Pop and be dorks.


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