A Perfect Day - Jaehyun

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(A boyfriend scenario. Something fluffy and calm ^^)

   The breeze of spring drifted passed you and Jaehyun as the two of you sat in the shade of a Willow Tree. The mid-day sun beat down on the pond in front of you and it glistened in the light. Jaehyun stretched as an excuse to wrap his arm around you. You leaned your head in and against his chest, resting your eyes.

   Your relaxed heart beat matched his as you sat there in this beautiful afternoon.

   The sound of laughter caught in your ears as the Dreamies splashed in the water. You smiled with a warm feeling.

"Jaehyun?" you whispered.


"Isn't it a perfect day?"

"Don't jinx it," Jaehyun joked. He hugged you tighter, planting a kiss on the top of your head.

You soon drifted off into a light nap. It wasn't as long as you had hoped. Your sleep was interrupted by a drip of water landing on your face.

Your eyes opened to see the once sunny sky as dull and cloudy. The Dreamies were no longer playing in the pond.

"It's starting to rain," Jaehyun told you.

You sat up, disappointed in how fast the day changed. You stood up after stretching out. Once you two finally walked out from under the tree, it started pouring. Jaehyun quickly took off his jacket, as the two of you quickened your paces, and held it over your heads. The house was far away, so you both ended up making a stop over under the extended roof coming off a barn in your yard.

Jaehyun smiled, looking out at the rain. When he looked back over to you, he didn't have the same expression he held a second ago since you had a look of disappointment.

"What is it?" he asked you.

"I guess I did jinx the perfect day," you gave a watery smile, rubbing the side of his neck.

Jaehyun smiled, pecking you on the lips. "The weather can't put a damper on any day that I spend with you. As long as we're together, it's a perfect day to me."

"Aren't you the cheese-master?" You joked and booped him on the nose. A smile speed smiled on his face.

"Don't you think for a second that I didn't mean that," Jaehyun told you, pulling you in for a hug.

Waiting for the rain to lighten up, you two sat under the extended roof of the barn and listened to the soothing sound. You even got to resume your nap.

(A/N): it was short and fluffy. I hope it was good enough to fulfill the request. If you were hoping for more I can write another one >< anyways I just updated my Haunted story and I had a lot of fun with the recent chapter. If you haven't checked it out, it's an NCT Dream fanfiction, ft. Johnny, about them going to a house that's haunted.

Qotd: Do you like the rain?

Next: Renjun scenario

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