Falling For You - Mark

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(Sorry I lied about making a new series. I decided to save it for another time)

"This is my life now," you began, taking in another gasp of air. "I have climbed this hill, and now I will die upon it!"

   "We've only been hiking for 15 minutes," you friend said, leaning against a tree, completely fine.

   A group of three girls continued past you both as you stayed down on your knees dramatically. You looked ahead at the line of people in your history class walking down the park's hiking path.

"I don't like this field trip. Couldn't we have just gone to a pizza place or something?" You asked.

"At least we aren't going to that fitness gym the whole grade had to go to last year."

"How is this any different?" You stood back up, brushing the dust off your knees. "We're practically working out the whole trip."

"We get to be outside and not have to breath in stuffy, sweaty air?"

"I guess. I just don't see the point in this."

You friend readjusted her backpack straps. "They said its to see a historical land mark."

"What?" You heard someone say. "Did you say my name?"

You turned to see your crush, also your friend's cousin, Mark.

"No, not you," you friend said, pushing Mark away. She then took your hand and pulled you. "Let's go. It's not that much farther."

You grunted, following stubbornly.

A minute of silence passed. You exhaled heavily and tilted your head towards the sky, shielding your eyes from the sun.

"Watch out," your friend warned.


But it was too late. Your foot slipped on the ledge of a three-foot deep ledge. You squeaked in surprise, reaching out for something to hold. Nothing was near you to grasp. You landed in the hole, getting the air knocked out of you.

"Where the fuck did that come from?!" You wheezed, coughing.

"I warned you," your friend said, standing at the edge. "Are you okay?"

"Does it look like it?" You rolled to your side, hugging your stomach, which burned with pain. You noticed a stinging feeling on your knees.

Snickers were heard as a couple people passed where you were lying. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to fill back your lungs, but coughing because dust painted your face and was sucked it about every breath.

All of a sudden, the sound of feet came sliding down into the hole.

"Oh geez, (y/n)!" Mark exclaimed, kneeling beside you. "You're bleeding! Are you okay?"

"Oh my God, how many times are people gonna ask me before they actually help?!"

Mark frantically started to look at your knees, but then stopped and just picked you up. You scrunched your nose in pain as your knees bent. Mark rushed ahead of people, and you could hear them whispering and wondering what happen to you. Even if you couldn't see yourself, you had a feeling you looked like a mess.

"I'm trying to find the teacher," Mark told you. "Then we can take you back to the bus and get you patched up."

"You better hurry, I think I can see the light," you joked. Just then you realized that you could taste blood in your mouth, seeping out from your tongue. You guessed that you bit it when hitting the ground.

Mark gave a light chuckle. "Don't die on me."

   "We should be rounding our destination shorty," the teacher told the people around her.

   "Um, excuse me," Mark started, getting the teacher's attention. The teacher faced Mark. The broad smile on her face completely faded to shock at your bleeding knees.

   "What happened?" She questioned.

   "I fell into that three-foot hole a little walk back," you explained. "I fell on my knees and chest. The wind was completely knocked out of me, and now I need my knees patched. I'm losing a lot of blood, sooo can we get back quick?"

   The teacher quickly nodded. She rushed Mark back to the bus while he still carried you.

   "I can probably manage somewhat on foot. I imagine your arms are hurting by now," you offered to Mark.

   He shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

   On the bus, the teacher pulled out the first aid kit, handing Mark bandages, wipes, and other cleaning materials. She stepped of the bus to make a couple calls to the other chaperones so they knew where we were.

   "So, how often is it that you take a bad fall?" Mark asked, smiling. He ripped open a package and pulled out a sanitizer wipe to clean the dirt in your cuts and wipe away the caked blood on your knees.

   "Hey," you started defensively, yet playful, "It was an accident."

   "I feel like I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on you to make sure you don't fall anymore."

   You looked up to Mark, not sure how to react. His face was soft and caring. You cracked a smile, looking back down to your knees. It's a good thing you decided to wear shorts so your jeans wouldn't be sticking to your wounds.

   You winced at the sting of the sanitizing wipe as it traced your open wound.

   "Sorry," Mark apologized.

   "You're fine."

   His touch became even softer, afraid he would hurt you.

   "It's suppose to sting," you said. "That's how you know it's working."

   Blood still slowly seeped out of the scratches. Mark peeled of the bandages and carefully stuck them over your scuffed up knees.

   "You did a great job. Are you secretly a nurse or something?" You asked, joking around.

   Mark smiled, standing up. He extended a hand out for you to see if you could get up. You took his grasp and stood. A sharp pain sent through the middle of your legs, but it only last briefly. You were fine to walk on your own. However, Mark kept an arm around your side to help support you as the two of you rejoined the group.

(A/N): so not much built in the relationship, but I find moments where someone is fixing someone's wounds after getting hurt is kinda cute, you know? Also, I have exciting news! I'm picking my Haunted NCT Dream fanfiction back up! I think I can finish it without getting stuck with writers block again. Let's hope so.

Qotd: What's your zodiac sign?

Next: NCT as dog breeds

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