Groceries with "Mom" - Taeyong

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   Your boyfriend, Taeyong, grabbed the nearest shopping cart, then continued to drag you into the store. You just wanted to stay back at the dorm with the other members for a chill movie night, but you came at the wrong time. Taeyong was in need of ingredients for dinner and decided to just do the rest of the shopping while at it.

   You said you could just stay back while he gets everything, but one look with puppy eyes, you couldn't say no. Now you're here, in the middle of a grocery store right behind Taeyong, who was busy looking over his list.

   Your eyes drifted over your surroundings. You saw other people doing the same as Tae, but they were all moms with a small child following behind. You laugh at how much he looked like the moms, but then stopped to realize that makes you the small child.

   "(Y/n), let's go," Taeyong called to you, directing your attention back to what was going on.

   You nodded, quickly following behind. "Can we get ice cream?" you asked.

   "Of course."

   "And cookies?"

   "I'll think about it."


   "..." Taeyong glanced over at you, trying to hold back a smile. "(Y/n), we're not going to get a cake."

   You shrugged. "It was worth a try." A sigh escaped your lips as you continued to drag your feet.

   You both were passing the toy section. Since you were bored, you had to do something to stop the feeing. So, you rushed passed Tae and into a row of plushies.

   "(Y/n)," Taeyong started. He pulled around the corner to see you standing in the walkway, arms full of soft, stuffed animals.

   Then, it started. You chucked one of the plushies at Taeyong, with a mischievous look, declaring a plushy war. Taeyong laughed when the animal strikes him on the side of the face. A smile spread on yours as well. He reached his hand for the one you threw at him, cautiously. When he picked it up, you started throwing another one. He blocked your strike with the shopping cart.

   This war continued for maybe another minute, until a store worker finally caught you both. She gave you a stern warning not to make a mess of the products, also making you pick it all up.

   After finishing that, Taeyong returned to the cart, pushing it with one hand. The other was laced with your fingers so you don't do something again.

   Only about seven steps and you're already onto something else. A ball rack was near, and an idea popped into your head.

   "Hey, TY Track, I want to climb into the ball rack."

   "(Y/n), no."

   "But MOM," you whined, jokingly.

   "Mom?" Taeyong looked at you confused, but amused.

   "Because you mother me, along with the rest of the members."

   "I don't mother you," Taeyong said in defense. "I just make sure you don't get hurt." His wrapped his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer. A small peck was placed on your head. "I want you to be safe and not make any bad decisions."

   "Okay, mom."

   A small chuckle was given by Tae. "You're so cute and small I might lose you if you run off again. I'll just have to keep ahold of you until we're done."

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