Fate: Taeyong

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Yuta moved past you, heading back to his room. You stood there, watching him walk off, nervously ruffling his hair. You sighed, running your hand through your own. You headed to bed, everything playing through your head.

   You now know that Yuta likes you, more than a friend, but you really couldn't see yourself in a relationship with him. The thing is, the two of you have been great friends for basically all your life. Your practically siblings. If you did get in a relationship, but something were to happen, the whole things would end up screwed. Just thinking about it made you anxious. You know that you couldn't do it. You couldn't be in a relationship with Yuta.

   But how do you cheer him up? 

Next day...

   "Good morning," Taeyong greeted you the next morning, seeming fairly happy. You smiled, breathing in the delicious smell of breakfast.

   Taeyong handed you a plate full of amazing looking food. You gratefully dug in.

   Around noon, you and Yuta went out for a walk so you could explain things to him.

   You walked a path in a local park that was surrounded by tall trees. No one else seemed to be taking it, besides a couple of joggers. Yuta glued his eyes to the path ahead.

   "Yuta..." you started. "I'm glad you finally told me your feelings, but I don't think us being a couple would really work out."

    Yuta nodded, not opening his mouth to talk. So, you continued.

    "I just think that if we were to get in a relationship, and something happened, it would ruin our friendship that we've had for so long. I can't see my life without you, but I don't want to put us at risk of loosing the bond we've created for years. I hope you can understand."

   Yuta finally dragged his eyes up to meet with yours. His clamped his lips together and nodded at you. "I understand," he replied.

   "You'll find someone who thinks your just as amazing as I think you are." You swung an arm around his shoulders. "But I have to approve."

   Yuta cracked a small smile, before turning and hugging you. You hugged him back. "Your my best friend, Yuta."

   "You my best friend, too, (y/n)." He pulled away, but held onto your arms. "Just so you know, I approve of Taeyong. He's a great guy, and I know he'll treat you right."

    That night, you showered and changed into a nicer outfit. Your footsteps echoed in the hall as you entered the living room to see Taeyong, also dressed nice.

   "Someone cleans up well," you told him.

   You scored a chuckle.

   You two went to see a movie first. It was an adventure/romance type of movie that was an emotional rollercoaster. However, you both loved it. After that, Tae took you out for dinner, where you guys got to know each other better. You two really hit it off, and you both agreed on a second date sometime.

(A/N): so you picked Taeyong ;)

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