Party Favor - Doyoung

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*(y/f/n)- your friend's name

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"Come on!" Your friend grasped your wrist and pulled you through the door. You dragged your feet as you entered the house; loud music blaring off the walls.

"(y/f/n)!" You heard someone call. You turned your head in the direction of a guy. "It's good to see you!"

"Hey, Ten!" (y/f/n) greeted the stranger.

You didn't recognize anyone around you. Your friend decided to drag you along to a party hosted by someone at her school. You don't even know who that is.

You insisted on not coming, since you weren't in the mood of meeting a bunch of new people and partying with them. However, (y/f/n) dragged you along because they wanted you to meet some friends.

Your gaze swept around where you stood. You can just see into the living room, which seems to be the dance floor. People also crowded in the kitchen and on the stairs.

The boy your friend referred to as Ten weaved through people to get closer. "Who's this?" He asked, smiling at you.

"(y/n), the one I talk about all the time," your friend introduced you.

   "Nice to meet you. By the way, (y/f/n), you should probably go control your boyfriend. Yuta's had a little too much to drink."

   Your friend sighed. "Where is he?"

   "I'll take you to him." Ten started weaving out and your friend followed. You didn't want to stay behind, so you took after them too.

   You were already having a bad time. The room smelled like alcohol and sweat. Your nose scrunched in disgusted as you bumped into people, leaving drips of either of those things on your arm.

   You looked back up to have completely lost sight of your friend and Ten. You stopped, but only briefly since people were jumping around you to the booming music. You squeezed past and into a corner.

   Collapsing on a couch, a sigh escaped you. Only two other people were on the couch... having a moment, but it was a big couch and they were on the other side. You pulled out your phone to check the time. It was 10:15.

   The couch moved slightly under you. You turn to see a guy had just sat next to you.

   "Hey, I heard you're friends with (y/f/n)," the guy with purple hair said. "I'm Doyoung."

   "I'm (y/n)," you replied, rather loudly to get your voice across the other noises in the room.

   "Are you enjoying the party?"

   You thought about lying to make a good impression with someone from your friend's school, but you said screw it and went with the truth. "Not really."

   "No?" A shocked yet amused look showed on his face. "Why not?"

   You took in a deep breath to prepare for your speech. "It's so loud, how do you people even socialize? I'm going deaf this second. People are drinking, a lot. I heard someone is already drunk. What if he's driving home? He could get in an accident. This is a high school party. Also, where's this person's parents? I doubt this was even approved. What if there's an overdose of drinking?" You looked over to the crowd of people dancing. "It smells gross in here; like beer and sweat. Imagine the cleaning the host will have to do."

   Doyoung let out a laugh. "That's the smell of fun."

   "I don't like the smell of fun."

   "You don't get out much do you?"

   You hung you head low. "No," you softly answered. "Not to parties." You looked back up to Doyoung. "You know what, this party doesn't even have party favors."

   A smiled played on Doyoung's face from your joke. "I think you're a party favor."

   "What's that suppose to mean?"

   "Even though it was a rant, I enjoy talking to you."

   "(y/n)!" You could hear your friend calling for you. Your head whipped to the side to see them coming out of the group, pulling Yuta along, and Ten following.

   "Where were you?" you asked.

   They rolled their eyes looking at Yuta. "Someone was dancing on the drink table, starting to strip. So, now I have to take someone home. I can drop you off on our way, (y/n)."

   "WinWin wasn't helping the situation," Ten put in. "He was throwing money at him, egging him on while also intoxicated."

   Doyoung started to crack up. "Ten, I'm surprised you didn't join."

   Your friend glanced over to Ten, annoyance in her gaze. Ten nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

   Your friend shook it off and directed their attention back to you. "So have you met Doyoung?" they asked. "He's the host of the party."

   Your stomach fell. You slowly turned towards the guy with purple hair, eyes widening. He's the host, and I just ranted to him about his own party, you thought.

   "I... I didn't mean-" you started.

   "Don't worry about it," he told you, winking. He leaned closer. "You can make it up by seeing me later this week for a movie."

   Your already warm face burned a little more. Is he asking me on a date?

   Doyoung stood up, patting Yuta on the shoulder. "I'll see you guys later." He glanced back at you, with a smirk, then disappeared into the crowd.

   "Come on Yuta," your friend said. "It's time you get home."

   Yuta scrunched his nose. A light, flushed color ran on his face, showing a sign of him being intoxicated. He also slightly swayed, showing another sign.

   You all finally convinced Yuta into the car. He kept claiming how he had to get back to his new job on the table, since it had a better pay than his current.

   You returned home to two new messages. One from (y/f/n).

I gave Doyoung your number, btw. He said he forgot to ask you earlier.

   You clicked on the second that was from an unknown number, having a hunch of who it could be.

Thursday, 4:00, movies? ;)

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(A/N): hello lovely people. Another cringy one-shot. I can make a part about the date if you want. I'm trying to be more frequent, but it's a little hard.

Qotd: who's your NCT U bias?

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