Hanahaki - Renjun (pt.1)

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(Requested by _lovingjisung ~ I really enjoyed this one. Very interesting, thank you for the request.Another thing, I'm closing requests for now. I have a few requests to fulfill and also ideas of my own that I want to put up plus school is starting back up again soon. I'm just a little stressed out XD. They'll open back up soon, I promise. And to those that made a request before I put up this part, don't worry... they're on their way )

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Humble, artistic, witty... You began to name off the aspects you saw in him. Huang Renjun.

Talented, smart, perfect... It was so easy to create a poem in your head made out of only listed words. It rolled off fluently in your mind as you watched him walk down the school hall, a crowd of other well-known students following.

He turned his head your way, but just briefly, to flash a smile. Your heart skipped a beat at his gesture, even though he often sends you a cheerful grin considering he's a good friend of yours. But why? you silently asked, almost pleading for the answer. Why does it have to be him?

Friend, sister-like, family... Words he used to refer to you. He put you in a place there was no escaping. Friendzoned.

You watched all the girls fawn over him, but you didn't have the strength to make any move yourself. Later, after school, Renjun approached you.

"Hi, (y/n)," he greeted quite brightly. "Are you going to the game tonight?"

You shrugged. A feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach struck you. "I wasn't thinking about it, but I guess I could."

"Great!" Renjun seemed to lighten even more, if that was even possible. "I would love to have a good friend to talk to and get away from the bigger crowd."

Good friend. The words echoed in the back of your head. "See you then." You slid your backpack on your shoulders, walking away. As you passed him, a floral scent lingered in the back of your throat.

The day started to fade away into a darker color as the sun began to disappear. You made your way to the school doors to watch the basketball game.

"There you are!" Renjun jogged up to you, holding two tickets to get into the game. "I already paid for yours since you were taking so long."

You chuckled along with him, just taking in how beautiful his laugh was and the way his eyes creased with his smile.

"Thank you," you told him, taking the ticket.

"Anything for my best friend."


You found a nice spot in the stands near the cheer block with Renjun. The game was interesting, and easy to fall into a trance with. Especially with constantly tying points. However, Renjun seemed to distract you.

Watching him cheer with the crowd, lean forward with enjoyment, and showing a glint of something special in his eyes, you knew you were stuck. Stuck in a place that you can't get out. You were falling in love with Renjun.

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