Hover Board Lessons - Jaemin

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(Set in Chewing Gum era)

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   "Nana!" you called, entering the practice room. It was booming with the sound of the Dreamies new song, 'Chewing Gum'.

   Jaemin came prancing up to you. You heard something leave him mouth, but couldn't understand what was said over the loud music.

   He glanced over at Mark, who was closest to the speakers, and motioned for him to bring it down.

   "(Y/n)! How are you? Are you feeling well?"

   You nodded your response with a slight, amused, eye roll. Jaemin always looks after you. He's very caring and loving.

   A smile spread across Jaemin's face as he scooped you up into his arms.

   "Eh, you're covered in sweat," you told him, squirming in his arms. However, no matter how hard you tried to escape his sweaty embrace, he held you in, threatening to squeeze tighter.

   "I just wanna hug you," Nana whined.

   In the near distance, Donghyuck was heard fake gagging.

   "I have to get out of here before I vomit," Haechan joked, rushing past. The rest of the boys filtered out after him.

   "I have the rest of the day free. What do you want to do?" Jaemin asked you.

   You thought for a second, letting your eyes wonder the room. Something caught your focus: the hover boards in the corner.

   "How do you ride a hover board?"

   Jaemin cracked a smile, glancing between you and the hover boards. "I can teach you."

   You nodded with excitement.

   Jaemin retrieved a blue one for you to use. After turning it on, he told you, "Start by placing your dominate foot on it first. When bringing your other foot up, don't think too much about it. Act like you're just stepping up onto a stair step. You can use me as support if you need help with balancing."

   You followed the instructions as he told you. When you brought your other foot onto the hover board, your heart hit a hard beat as you felt it start to move without you meaning for it to. Your hand grabbed onto Jaemin's shoulder as you stepped down.

   Nana gave you a supportive look, and you tried again.

   This time, you didn't have a whole lot of trouble. It was wobbly, but you got on. Jaemin lightly held onto your upper arms to keep you from rolling off.

   "Good, good. So far," Jaemin chuckled.

   You chuckled back. From seeing the guys ride hover boards in the past, you knew about leaning and shifting weight to move. You started to lean forward to, but it started moving faster than expected.

   Jaemin wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up and spinning you around. "Did I tell you you could go?" He sealed his rhetorical question with a peck on your cheek. 

   "You're still so sweaty," you laughed.

   Jaemin let you down after another spin.

   "We should go get something to eat," you suggested.

   Jaemin thought that was a great idea.

   "But not until you take a shower."

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(A/N): School  is just loading me with a lot of stuff. I'm sorry if I don't update as much. Anyway, let's talk about 'We Young' because I'm dead.
First, I died from the amazing lyrics, my favorites being rapapapapa and nanananana because I bias Jeno and Jisung so much and their rap part in general just kills me. I also died at the visuals brought. We are blessed. Then, I died at the cute concept going on and the colors.
Everything was just so beautiful. I'm gone. DECEASED.

I'm trying to write when I can. Again, I'm really focused on this one fanfiction that I'll put up eventually because I'm really excited about it. I will give you guys more. There's ideas stewing in the pot.

Also, if you're reading, don't forget to vote and comment :D the love will help motivate me. And, I'm open to any requests.

Thanks for reading!!

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