Tips - Jisung

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(Requested by Kimchisungpark ~ (^∀^) I hope you enjoy)

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The smell of freshly made food hit your senses as you entered the casual dining restaurant with Jisung. It was your first date with him since you started talking about three months ago. It started as just friends, until he eventually confessed. Well, prompted... no, forced to admit his feelings to you, thanks to Haechan.

Jisung smiled at you while pulling out a chair for you to sit in. You gave a nod of thanks. Jisung made his way to the seat across from you. The sun was shining brightly into the restaurant, but not enough to blind you. The place itself had a nice atmosphere with natural colors and small tables; one of which you and Jisung occupied near the front window. It was the kind of restaurant music like "Lemonade Love" would be playing.

The waitress took your drink orders and left, giving you both more time to decide on something to eat.

"It's so hard to make a choice," Jisung mentioned while scanning the menu. "There's a lot of nice options." He briefly glanced up at you, but had to do a double take.

You gave Jisung a confused look, tucking your hair behind your ear. "What is it?"

"Son of a-"

"Jisung what are you talking about?" you interrupted, quite bewildered. Jisung then glared, turning your head to look behind you. There, you caught a glance of some familiar reddish hair disappearing behind a menu.

"Is that Haechan?" you asked, turning your attention back to Jisung, who nodded in an agitated way.

He let out a slow sigh before standing up from his chair. "Let's not let his presence ruin this date," Jisung declared. "Excuse me as I go to the bathroom."

After Jisung had walked away from the table, you pulled your notebook out from the bag you brought and slipped your phone out from your pocket. There's a story you've been working on, and an idea had just hit you.

A few main points were written out in your notebook, while the actual story was being written on your phone. After fishing out a pencil from the bag lying at your feet, you began writing down the idea that recently struck you. A major event was about to take place. You were only a couple paragraphs away, so you started to dive into your story.

You worked quickly at creating the words, losing track of the world around you. It wasn't until you heard a voice come from behind you that you were snapped back into reality.

"Woah, that seems really good."

You turned to see Jisung peering over your shoulder down at your phone. You quickly hid it, face down on your lap.

"Wait, I want to read it," Jisung told you.

"Really?" you questioned. He nodded enthusiastically.

Slowly, you brought your hand out from under the table along with the phone. You carefully handed the device to Jisung, who gladly took it back to his seat. You felt a hint of nervousness from him reading your work. You just hoped that he would like it.

His eyes quickly skimmed through your work, not wanting to take up too much time on your date. "This is amazing," he commented.

Feeling a bit bashful, you thanked him. "It's only the beginning. I haven't even edited it yet."

"I think you're on the right track. I enjoy writing myself. What are your plans for further in the story?" Jisung handed your phone back to you over the table. He stayed leaned forward, drawn into your work.

Taking the phone, you exchanged it with your notebook so Jisung could look over your planning.

"Why is there a blank for how the main characters kiss?" Jisung asked, continuing to read the rest of the page.

"I haven't figured out when it should happen," you admitted.

"How about right now?" Jisung's eyes finally lifted away from the paper and directed towards you.

   "What?" You were taken aback, and not sure how to respond.

   "Like, the kiss... r-right now?"

   A waiter walked up to the table, but you couldn't even look away. "More water?" he asked, starting to tip the pitcher over your glass.

   "Yes, thank you," you replied in a small voice, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. You glanced away just for a second, happening to land on the "waiter's" face.

   Instead of the person being the waiter, it was Haechan, holding a tall water pitcher and somehow had one of the black aprons.

   "Haech-" you started, but he shushed you, accompanied by a wink.

   Haechan leaned your way with the water pitcher blocking Jisung's view. "I have a special order coming your way," he whispered.

   "HAECHAN!" Jisung grunted in frustration. "Water is clear, I can see you! Plus, you're not being very quiet! What do you mean special order?"

   A lady showed up to the end of the table. A plate of spaghetti was placed in the center. Haechan clapped his hands together, rubbing them together mischievously.

   "Have fun, Lady and the Tramp." Haechan ruffled Jisung's hair before walking off.

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(A/N): I'm sorry if it didn't completely fulfill your requested. I added the Haechan thing in as an extra spice to the recipe XD BUUUUUT I'm currently rewatching this Netflix original K-Drama called One More Time. It was the first K-Drama I ever watched and I was really sick and hysterically crying through the 8 episodes it has. If this wasn't the fifth time I've watched it, I would probably be crying right now.

Qotd: If you've ever been on a date, what was it like?

Aotd: I've been on one date. We went to see a horror movie, but it was really bad. We ended up just making fun of it. Then our rides were late and we hung out near the doors (it was like 10 pm and literally no one but two workers and us were there). Yeah, we just talked about stuff and joked around. It was pretty nice. We continued talking a couple months longer, but I just didn't have that feeling towards him at the time. Now, he has a girlfriend and they're honestly really cute, not gonna lie :')

Next: Renjun scenario

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