Soulmate AU ; Taeyong

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(I WAS SO CLOSE TO NOT FINISHING BEFORE MIDNIGHT IN MY TIME ZONE LIKE LITERALLY 2 MINUTES AWAY SDFKS BUt It's time for a short interruption to celebrate our wonderful mom and leader's birthday! Also, I've been so obsessed with The EastLight's new mini album. The song I chose for this part is my favorite on it sdkfsldf
So for this AU, it was requested a few times to make a follow-up story on Taeyong's mark in the Soulmate AU for Haechan since his had already turned colorful, but he didn't see who it was that he brushed against)

 The song I chose for this part is my favorite on it sdkfsldf So for this AU, it was requested a few times to make a follow-up story on Taeyong's mark in the Soulmate AU for Haechan since his had already turned colorful, but he didn't see who it w...

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Taeyong stepped off the plane and into the crowded airport. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and readjusted the mask on his face. Johnny gave his back a pat and walked next to him. Taeyong looked around the airport as fans started to hold up their phones and take pictures. The members had to keep moving forward so they wouldn't get caught up in the crowd.

As he continued, Taeyong glanced down at his forearm to see the colorful patch on his skin. It was probably a year ago when his black mark turned in this same airport, except while he was boarding the plane to go back home.

Johnny noticed that Taeyong seemed worn out, and eventually spoke up. "Hey, are you okay?"

Taeyong nodded, sluggishly. "I'm just tired."

It was hard for Johnny to be convinced. He flashed an understanding smile. "If anything is bothering you, you can always tell me."

Taeyong glanced down at his colorful mark once again.

"Ah," Johnny caught on. "You're thinking about them." He knew that Taeyong has been worrying about his soulmate lately. Ever since Haechan's had turned, Taeyong has been nonstop thinking about if he'll ever find his. It turned while he was in a crowded area, so it would've been nearly impossible to recognize anyone's face.

"Don't let it get you down," Johnny told Taeyong, who simply shrugged.

They continued through the airport to get out, moving through crowds of people and passing by the food court. The aroma flooded Taeyong's senses and he realized just how hungry he was.

"Hey, do you think we would be able to stop and get something to eat real fast?" Taeyong asked Johnny.

"I don't think so." Johnny bit the inside of his cheek while thinking for a short second. "They probably want us getting out as soon as we can."

Taeyong hunched in disappointment while scrunching his nose. Johnny chuckled at his reaction.

"I'm sure we'll get something soon."

Taeyong cracked a small smile at Johnny while they followed the others out. What Taeyong wasn't aware of, was you trying to push through the crowd to get a word out to Taeyong.

It was last year when you were in the airport, about to part for vacation. You briefly glanced down to the black stain on your elbow. You were pulled by your family to move forward and quickly so you didn't miss your plane. You moved past a group of guys that you couldn't really make out.

Your elbow skimmed one of them, but you didn't look down until emerging from the large crowd of people. Then, your elbow was smudged in many different colors. You quickly looked back at the boys and spotted one with a colorful patch of his own on the side your elbow would have touched. You fumbled for your phone to take a picture of his spot along with the one on your elbow so you could remember him if you ever saw him again.

Come to find out, he was Taeyong from the group NCT. Your heart was pounding as you boarded the plane, not knowing how you'll ever be able to explain to him that you're the one. Recently, you heard about them flying in and got to the airport that day.

Now here you are, chasing after NCT in the airport to try and talk it out with Taeyong. However, the group was moving quickly and you were unsure if you could catch up. People were pushing passed you in all directions, making it hard to stay caught up. You reached a point where you were close to the member Jaehyun.

"Jaehyun!" you called out. At first he didn't hear, so you called once again.

He peeked behind him to see you with a worried expression. He tilted his head to the side, as if asking what was wrong while he continued to follow the rest of NCT.

You pointed to your elbow. "This sounds crazy, but I need you to understand. I was the one that turned Taeyong's mark."

Jaehyun eyed you with suspicion. On one hand, you could see his uncertainty considering anyone could try to fake it. Though, you were desperate to end the confusion and questions.

"How can I prove it to you?"

"Taeyong!" Jaehyun called to his leader. "Come here!"

Taeyong looked back while letting his footsteps slow to join Jaehyun in the very back while you moved even closer. He glanced at you with questioning eyes.

"Show him," Jaehyun told you. "The shape would have to be the same if the space that's colored is where you touched."

You held up your elbow while Taeyong showed his forearm. Sure enough, the marks where the exact same shape. Even the color pattern was the same. Taeyong stumbled to a hault, his eyes locked onto both marks. Jaehyun stopped as well, glancing from him to the parting members.

Taeyong's eyes quickly came back up to yours. "I... Can I be sure it's really you?"

To top off the evidence, you pulled out your phone to show them the picture of right after your mark turned colorful with Taeyong about to board his flight with his forearm in many colors as well.

Taeyong covered his open mouth, unable to erase his shock. Before you could say anything further, Taeyong pulled you into a hug. His head rested on top of yours while his arms held you tightly.

"Taeyong, we really have to go," Jaehyun whispered.

Taeyong pulled back from the hug, but still held your shoulder with a gentle grip. "How can I contact you again?"

You smiled with a heart full of hope. "You have to come back to this airport before flying back. I'll wait for you with a plan of contacting each other written on a note for you. I'm (y/n), by the way. You should probably leave before you get in trouble."

Taeyong nodded, his eyes fixated on yours. "I'll be sure to meet up with you before leaving. Stay safe, (y/n)." Taeyong let go of your shoulders and started to run off with Jaehyun. After a few strides, he checked back to look at you once more. You waved with a smile. I'll make this work, Taeyong. I promise.

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(A/N): I'm going to follow this up eventually with a Long Distance Relationship With Taeyong. Also, I can't believe it's already July omg July 1st marks the second half of the year I'm

Qotd: What song(s) have been on repeat for you?

Aotd: 'Never Let Go' - The EastLight + 'E.YEAH' - Ninety-One (Kazakh/Q-Pop) + 'Shoot Me' - Day6

Next: This time, for sure Ten scenario

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