Insecurities - Jisung

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(For Mingsuuung I hope you enjoy! I also added a song in the header if you want to listen to something while reading.

I might be closing requests soon just because there are a few parts I have in mind. I'll probably close them when I post the next part so you can request before then. They will open back up eventually, I just want to catch up with the ones I have without more being added on top )

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   With it being summertime and nice weather, your friend Mark decided to invite a big group of people over to his house to have a bonfire. You hung out with these people often and felt comfortable around them. All except one...

   Jisung Park. Maybe it was his awkward and quirkiness that captured your attention. Or his height and cute looks. Maybe the fact that he's such a great dancer. Anyway, you have definitely developed feelings for him.

   Though, you always felt that he'll never like you back. You couldn't help but feel insecure, especially with his tendency to not talk all that much around you. You knew he was shy, but sometimes you wished he made an effort to talk to you.

   It was about eight when you arrived at Mark's house. A few people were gathered around the starting fire including Haechan and your female friend. There were two other guys there that you weren't familiar with.

   "Hey, (y/n)," Mark greeted. "You don't know him, but this is my friend Lucas," Mark introduced you to the new guy. "Do you want anything to drink?"

   "Sure," you took up his offer. Mark opened up the cooler that was sitting next to him and you took your drink of choice.

   Another ten minutes passed before everyone was there. When Jisung showed up, you greeted him, but he only returned with a small smile. You felt a bit disappointed and your female friend comfortingly rubbed your back. She knew about your crush on Jisung and was very supportive with it.

   "He's just shy and awkward," she whispered to you, away from the group of people. "Maybe because he likes you too."

   "I doubt it," you muttered. "Like he would ever like me. I'm not even attractive."

   "Don't say that! You're beautiful," she told you. "Just try to talk to him tonight. It would be a good opportunity."

   You shrugged, still feeling down. You've never had a crush as bad and for as long as this one. Maybe it's for the best if I just stay away from it.

   The two of you returned to the group to jump into their conversation. Everyone spent the beginning of the group hangout by roasting things over the fire to eat. The sun was going down at this point, but the darkness just made the bonfire more fun.

   "We should play a game," Chenle put in. "Especially with it getting dark."

   "What do you suggest?" Mark asked.

   "It's called Sardines. One person goes and hides, then everyone splits up to look for that person. Once they're found, you have to hide with them. Whoever is the last person to find the group loses."

   "Sounds fun," Jaemin gave his opinion. "Rock, paper, scissors for who hides first?"

   After a few rounds, you were announced as the loser. Just my luck, you thought.

   The others retreated to inside the house while you scoured Mark's property for a place to hide. You had just enough time to slide into his open garage. You crouched behind a car, coming up with the strategy to move around that car if someone were to enter.

   Mark had a fairly big yard, so you knew there were many places to hide. They probably wouldn't expect you to be back there.

   After a short amount of time, you heard footsteps enter the garage. You saw the figure's feet from where you crouched, so you started to move away from them. With your eyes briefly off of their shoes, you didn't know they switched directions. You started to move around the other side, but came face to face with Jisung.

   You flinched from the sudden appearance and opened your mouth to say something, However, Jisung clasped his hand over your mouth and pulled you out of sight from the garage door. The sound of shoes walking across gravel could be heard, but they only passed the door.

   "That was close," he finally breathed. Then, he suddenly became awkward when he realized that his hand was over your mouth and he had an arm still around you. "Sorry," he quickly apologized.

    "No, its fine," you whispered, having to keep your voice low.

   A couple minutes of silence filled the garage. No one's footsteps seemed to pass either. "They must suck at finding people," you muttered jokingly. Expecting some reaction from Jisung, you glanced in his direction, but he didn't say anything. Another thing to pile onto all the times Jisung has ignored you or barely acknowledged you even though you hang out with his group often. With a huff of irritation, you whispered under your breath, "It's okay, I know I'm annoying."

   Jisung's head immediately snapped up from staring at the ground. He shook his head with wide eyes. "No, you're not."

   You were sort of surprised to see his sudden change in listening. "It just seems like you ignore me sometimes."

   "I... I just." Jisung found a loss in words as he held eye contact with you. Then, he quickly adverted them the ground and he fidgeted with his thumbs.

   "What?" you gently asked, wondering what kept him from talking to you.

   "It's just that I kind of... like you?" Jisung didn't dare look up.

   Your breath hitched in shock. "How? I mean, I'm not even attractive. I'm annoying. Nothing compared to what you deserve."

   Finally, Jisung could meet your eyes again. "Why do you think that? You're perfect."

   Caught in the moment, the two of you stayed staring at each other with beating hearts. It pulled you both forward until Jisung made the move to kiss you. He stole your first.

   Though it was short-lived, it was enough to convince you of Jisung's feelings that you returned to him. It was the sound of someone clearing their throat that broke the two of you apart with a flinch.

   "Could you both just scoot over a bit so I can fit in?" Lucas asked as he crouched near the edge. You both moved over some for him to join you in hiding. "You two can continue, just pretend I'm not here," he joked.

   You and Jisung sheepishly covered your mouths to hide the shy smiles that were left as a memory of each other's first kiss.

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(A/N): So I'm thinking about doing Soulmate AUs for each members birthday special ayee if that sounds good. I just don't want it to get repetitive with it starting out with their birthday and then finding their soulmate haha. I'll try to make them as different as possible which I should be able to do since they'll be different kinds of Soulmate AUs

Qotd: Should I add a song in the header for every part that I think would work with the story along with a picture? It's cool if you don't think you would care about it, I want to know your honest opinion.

Aotd: I was listening to the song in the header while writing this and thought it was cute with it. Thought it would be interesting to try. I know I put songs in the header for sad ones, but if you think I should for every part let me know

Next: Soulmate AU ; Taeil

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