Moonlight - Jaemin (pt.4)

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"Too late for what?"

Jaemin looked back to you. The reflection of the appearing moon was in his eyes. In the little light, you could see his pupils morphing. "I told you I'm a monster."

You wanted to tell him he was wrong. You wanted to let Jaemin know that you trusted him and how can he be a monster when he saved your life?

But your words were caught in your throat as the boy hunched over, gritting his teeth and pushing his hair back, like he was showing signs of pain. Your hand flew over your mouth as you took a step back. Jaemin's whole body was shifting as he fell onto his hands and knees. A soft black fur sprouted from his skin and claws from his hands.

In a startled state, you took another step back. Your foot caught on the root of a tree causing you to fall back. It still didn't take your eyes away from the alarming situation in front of you.

Jaemin had slipped out of his clothes, but it was no longer the Jaemin you knew. A black wolf was shaking away the sweatshirt right in front of you. Your breathing ceased.

The black wolf tilted its head back and let out a howl to the moon with such a booming sound. He growled, then bolted into the woods. You scrambled to your feet. Jaemin's clothes still sat in a pile next to a small stream that ran under the bridge. Fear crept through your body, but something inside you didn't want him to run away from you.

It's still Jaemin, you thought. I can't just leave him.

You gathered his discarded items. His sweatshirt was still warm with his body heat. You slipped it on, for now, just to keep warm in the cold night.

You followed the direction you saw the wolf run toward: the forest.

"I don't know what's going on," you spoke loudly to the night, hoping Jaemin could hear you. "But you don't have to run away. I know I can trust you."

A shadow made you stop in place. It was low to the ground, dashing between trees and letting out low growls. You stepped into a patched of moonlight within the forest you had wandered in. The shadow had stopped moving and watched you. You could just make out the eyes and how his ears were against his head, as if in a defense mode.

"You won't hurt me," you told Jaemin.

The wolf took a slow step out from behind the tree. He began to stalk towards you low to the ground. The way his posture looked, you started to feel a little frightened that the wolf would jump at any moment.

However, you reached an arm out to Jaemin. "Jaemin," you started, "where are you?"

At the sound of his name, Jaemin froze in place. The wolf shook its head, ears no longer flattened against his head.

"Jaemin?" you repeated his name.

Something seemed to happen when you called to him. The wolf no longer had a harmful look in his eyes. The posture had completely changed to a normal stance.


The wolf shook again, but more violently and throughout his whole body. He backed up a step, but rose to his feet. The wolf was becoming less wolf-like each second. Fur disappeared and showed human skin. Claws sank back into fingernails. Bones shifted into a human structure. Jaemin came to, gasping for a couple of big breathes before they evened out. His muscles seemed to be in pain with every move he made.

"Jaemin, are you okay?" you worriedly asked. You slipped out of his sweatshirt and walked over to him with his outfit.

"No, you're fine wearing it," Jaemin reassured you, stretching his arms and looking a little less uncomfortable. "Plus, I can't really feel that much cold at the moment."

"No," you pushed his pile of clothing to him, glancing up at the moon. "You really should have these."

Jaemin tensed. His lips pinched together into a thin line and his ears were already bright red. You turned away, hiding your face as Jaemin quickly dressed.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that," he apologized sincerely.

"I didn't see anything-"

"I don't mean that." Jaemin stepped into your view, finishing up adjusting his sweatshirt. "I'm sorry you had to find out what I really am."

"But you changed back. You never hurt me. You were able to overcome whatever it was that happened."

"It's because you called out my name. You told me you trusted me, and that's all it takes. You saved me this time."

"I guess we both have a little trust in each other now." You slowly smiled while he returned the expression. You melted in his gaze. Usually, it was serious and cold, but he had a warmth in his look this time. It was something you've never seen before. It was beautiful.

Jaemin leaned close to your face. He paused just inches away and glanced at each of your eyes, like he was hesitating. Then, he moved forward. His kiss made the world feel like it just fell apart and you were drifting in space. Or like you slipped into the deepest part of the ocean, just floating in the water.

Jaemin pulled away. When caught in the moment, you didn't even realize Jaemin's arms hold you, but now you stood there wrapped in them.

"I'll walk you home," Jaemin told you with a small smile resurfacing.

Jaemin's P.O.V

I walked down the road to my house. A dopy grin was plastered on my face and I gave a small, breathy laugh every now and then. It wasn't until I was nearing my house that it disappeared.

I'm just going to turn back into a beast next full moon.

"Don't you read, my dear?" a croaky voice spoke in the night.

I glanced around to find the source of the sound, but the only thing that came to me was a memory of the old hag that lived in the shack.

"Do you not realize how any curse can be broken?"

By a kiss. The thought entered my mind right then. A new feeling spread throughout my body.

"Congratulations, you were able to find someone who trusts you and loves you, for you." The words began to fade and sound fuzzy. They sounded like they were getting further and further away. "I wish you luck, dear."

~ ~ ~

(A/N): Yay, a trashy way to end this story. I'm sorry if this wasn't your cup of tea. I understand. We all have our own opinions

Qotd: Do you play any instruments?

Aotd: violin, piano, and I started to teach myself guitar but I've been hardcore slacking oOps

Next: A Day With Renjun (I'll try to upload this within the next 24 hrs as a tribute to his birthday because I really need to update for a each member's birthday)

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