Perfect Piece - WinWin

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(That picture slays my existence, and this imagine might be a little longer than previous ones)

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He's right there, you thought. Just do it.

Your crush, Jaehyun, was searching through his locker, collecting his books for his next class. You peeked from behind your red, locker door, trying to stay hidden. All of a sudden, you door was slammed shut by a hand.

"Hey, (y/n)," WinWin, your closest friend, greeted. He stood in front of your perfect view of Jaehyun.

"Hey," you greeted back in a distracted way, glancing around WinWin's shoulder back to your crush.

WinWin glanced back himself and caught the hint. "Ah, I see where your attention lies."

"Uh-huh." You rested your head on your locker, mind running on thoughts of confessing to Jaehyun. "That's nice, WinWin."

WinWin grunted and started off to his next class. "See you after school for studying!" he called back to you.

Next day...

You passed the board of brightly colored flyers. You took a glance and saw that prom was coming up.

This would be the perfect time to confess to Jaehyun.

   You're thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of tennis shoes skidding to a stop in front of you. You blinked, spinning your head back to face forward. WinWin was there, slightly bending to be eye level. He had a cute little cheesy grin on his face.

   "What's got you in a good mood?" You asked your best friend.

   "I get to see my favorite person in the world."

   "Awe, WinWinnie." You smiled. "But you see me everyday."

   "I meant Yuta," he replied.

   You pouted. "I thought I was your favorite person."

   WinWin straightened and ruffled your hair. "It's not like I'm your favorite person." He turned to glance over at Jaehyun in a huddle with his friends, laughing about something.

   You sighed, staring. WinWin waved a hand in front of your face. "Your pathetic," he joked.

   "I'm hopeless."

   WinWin lightly placed his hands on your shoulders. "No, you're not. If you want Jaehyun, then I believe in you. I'll always be there to support you."

   "Thanks," you replied, not moving your focus from Jaehyun's beautiful smile.

Next day...

   Last night, you spent it prepping yourself for this moment. You had a note asking Jaehyun to prom in your hand that you were going to put in his locker.

You turned the corner, but your legs completely stopped. Your eyes were locked on Jaehyun with his arms wrapped around a girl's shoulder.

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