Sick Day - Taeyong

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(This is for MkhaaElaa
Sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoy )

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You let out yet another painful cough while reaching for the box of tissues. You woke up that morning feeling awful. It turned out to be a sick day for you with a high fever.

You decided to settle on the couch in the living room to watch some movies and have close access to the kitchen to get some water when your throat was extra scratchy. Your fingertips just brushed the box that sat on the side table, but caused it to fall to the ground. You wheezed out a groan, giving up while you just defeatedly stared at the box.

The front door suddenly burst opened. You flinched in surprise and would've made a startled squeak if it wasn't for your congested lungs and sore throat. However, your thumping heart soon soothed to the sight of your boyfriend, Taeyong, walking inside. Most of him was covered by towering items that he carried into your house.

"(Y/n)!" he greeted while catching his breath. A warm smile still surfaced on his face. "I heard someone is a little sick today."

"A little?" you sarcastically croaked before coughing a couple of times.

"Awe," Taeyong cooed. He sat down his stuff near the couch you were curled up on. "I want you to try this soup first. I made it very special; perfect for a special person."

Taeyong pulled out a container and popped off the lid. Steam rose from the bowl and even with your stuffy sinuses, you could still get a hint of its delicious scent. He even had a spoon handy for you.

You started to sit upright while Taeyong put a hand on your back to help you. He rubbed comforting circles and handed you the bowl.

"Why are you here?" you asked him before taking a spoonful of the amazing soup. "You could get sick too."

"If it means helping you get better, then I'll risk the germ exposure."

You let out a fake gasp, but the air hit the back of your raw throat and caused you to break into a coughing fit. "I was going to say..." you started in the middle of coughing, "'Wow, Mom... it must mean a lot... if you're willing to be surrounded by germs.'"

Taeyong picked up a bottle of hand sanitizer from his stack of supplies. "Well, I mean, I didn't come unprepared."

After finishing your soup, you were about to stand up to take it to the sink, but Taeyong took the bowl from you.

"Don't you even think about getting off that couch," he jokingly warned you.

He also ended up doing the rest of your dishes. Along with washing the counters and a few other surfaces. At last, he brought you back a full glass of water when that was over with. Reaching in his pile of stuff, he brought out a warm blanket for you as well.

"Did you really just clean some of my house?"

Taeyong shrugged while handing you the blanket. "You're sick. I was just helping out."

"What an angel." You booped his nose before limply falling back against the couch. Your eyes were feeling heavy from your body fighting off the sickness. It really made you tired.

Taeyong cupped your face and squished your cheeks. "Wow, you're really hot."

"Yeah, right," you managed to laugh. "Because being sick is such a look."

"No, I mean your cheeks are burning up from your fever." Taeyong grinned at you. "But even when you're sick, you're still stunning."

If it was even possible, your cheeks began to burn even more. "You sap."

"Shh," Taeyong hushed you while leaning you against his chest. He turned on the TV to a low volume while getting comfy with you leaning on him. The blanket that was messily over you was readjusted by Taeyong and cozily wrapped around the both of you. "You should rest. It's the best you can do to fight off this fever." His hand combed through your hair as his other arm held you close.

Without fighting his suggestion, you took a nap against Taeyong's chest.

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(A/N): It's a little shorter, but I thought it was a really cute concept, thank you for requesting!
Also today, May 7th (or the half an hour left of it where I live), makes one year of Jeno being my ultimate bias sjfskldj I was thinking about writing a scenario or something about him, but I have requests to finish. I don't mind though, requests are fun~

Qotd: Favorite sick food/drink?

Aotd: Kpop videos... jkjk (not really), but I would have to go with some good old-fashioned warm soup. Or ice cream. It also depends on what I'm sick with because if it's with my stomach, then nothing is appetizing

Next: Mark scenario

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