Sly - Yuta

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(I hope I can lighten your day)

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There was a bookstore fairly close to your house that you visit regularly. There was a coffee shop in the back corner, making the whole place smell like a fresh brew. Your hair was a little wind blown from your walk into the bookstore. The winter wind was pretty violent.

Your fingers traced the spines of books as you walked the aisles. A certain title caught your eye called Sun & Moon. You thumbed through a couple pages to see if it was of any interest, until you felt a pair of eyes on you.

Casually glancing to the side, you see someone standing no more than three feet away. He had a book open in his hands. The guy's gaze wasn't focused on the words, but on you. You look at him straight on just as the stranger smiles with a light huff of laughter. He looked back down to the book.

With a small shrug, you continued to examine the book in front of you. A small bubble of confusion, maybe even a little irritation, formed in your gut as you felt his eyes back to you.

"Do you need something?" you asked him, turning towards the, quite handsome, guy.

"I've just noticed you coming here a lot." The stranger closed the book he was holding. "You know you're really cute when reading?" Not losing any eye contact, he slid the book back onto the shelf. "You're (y/n), right? The workers know you by name since you come so often."

You couldn't help but feel a little flattered by his words. However, it was also kind of worrying that he knew that. "... Yeah," you slowly answered while adverting eye contact back to your book.

"I'm Yuta," he introduced with a step closer.

"Hi... I'm just going to read some more." Your cheeks began to heat up with him being so close, and eyes so fixated on you.

Yuta tilted his head just a touch to the right. "I especially like how engaged you become when focusing on a book." He flashed a bright smile.

"And I don't like how engaged you are when focusing on me." You were flustered now. The book you held was slammed shut and you started to walk away from the stranger that knows more than he should.

Yuta grabbed your arm, gently pulling you towards him. He let go to tilt your chin up to his face and smirked. "I love how your eyes travel so fast across the pages, how you hang your head to the side." His hand traced your jaw, stopping near the back to cup your face. Yuta stepped even closer, which was almost impossible considering the limited space between the two of you. "How your lips part and almost mimic what's on the page."

You notice his eyes scan your lips.

Your heart started to pound in your chest, and you wouldn't be surprised if Yuta could also feel it with him being so close. Nevertheless, you couldn't move. Your feet were frozen in place.

Yuta's face grew closer to yours, so close you could feel his breath before his lips greeted yours. You stood there helplessly. To your surprise, you found yourself melting in this spot against his chest.

Yuta pulled away leaving you hanging. He had such a sly grin on his face as he started backing away. "WOW, (y/n)," he let out a chuckle. "You're easy to get passed.

His last statement left you in bewilderment. Yuta exited the store, sending a ding from the bell on the bookstore's door.

You exhaled slowly through your mouth, raising the book back up to check the price. You shook your head, trying to let that go for a little bit. The book was ten dollars. You reached for your back pocket to retrieve your wallet.

The pocket was found to be empty.

Your hands patted all over as you started to get scared. Where did it go?

"You're easy to get passed," Yuta's words replayed in your head.

You snapped your head in the direction of the door. Yuta just stole your wallet...

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(A/N): Oh, Yuta... Stop bias wrecking me, please. I hope this image could help lighten your day, or morning, or night... whatever it is for you. I really love you guys and care so much. I'm still deciding how to celebrate 20K. I WILL DO SOMETHING, I PROMISE OKAY!?

Qotd: Should I also aim for a screenshot game with NCT on New Years? I would make that one just NCT 127, but it's all of NCT for my Christmas game.

Next: NCT Dream reaction

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