Tips - Jisung (pt.2)

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(For HobisHeartSmile  because I promised a part two. Thank you for being patient and so kind! I hope you enjoy! Also, have a happy birthday!)

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   You and Jisung have now been together for a while. The relationship is starting to get more comfortable. Earlier in the day, Jisung invited you to stop by the dorm, then walk to a local park.

You just started to knock on the front door when it flew open.

   "Hey, (y/n)," Haechan greeted with a quick eyebrow flash. He opened the door wider while stepping back, inviting you to enter. "Jisung will be out in a second. I heard you two are going to go to the park."

   Jisung's figure appeared in the doorway. "Haechan, I never told you where we're going to go."

   "Okay, maybe I overheard him talking to you on the phone," Haechan admitted. Jisung was pulled to the direction of the door by Haechan, then he proceeded to push you and your date out of the dorm. "Have fun you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

   "Haechan," you started, "there's nothing you wouldn't do."

   Instead of answering, Haechan closed the door while smirking.

   "He's so weird," Jisung muttered. He shook his head and slipped his fingers between yours to hold your hand. "Let's go."

   "How does it feel to practically live with him?" you asked with a small laugh.

   "It's like a nightmare came to life." You could tell he was joking because Jisung had trouble hiding a smile. "Enough about Haechan... How's your book coming along?"

   "It's alright," you replied. You began to explain what had happened in your book since the last time he asked. Jisung always seemed to be able to quickly help when you were at a block in writing. He just happened to be really helpful with stories.

   "What about the kiss that you seemed to be having a hard time figuring out?" Jisung asked, kind of awkwardly.

   "I still don't know. I guess I'll know when the time is right."

   Jisung smiled shyly, watching the ground pass beneath his slow-moving feet. "I can't wait to read the finished product. I love your writing."

   Feeling a bit of heat rising to your cheeks, you smiled and slid your free hand into your pocket. "Thanks, Ji."

   The both of you finally made it to the park. There wasn't much activity going on, which seemed surprising since it was such a nice day. Not that you could complain. It just gave you and Jisung more time together without a lot of people around.

   You both know just how hard it is to be together with a group around. Most of the time, you would have to hang out with Jisung at the dorm, which led to the Dreamies constantly teasing and cooing at the both of you. Getting away from them was almost impossible. Especially Haechan.

   "I'm glad we can go out again. We don't get to that much," you mentioned.

   Jisung stopped walking to turn towards you. "Yeah, since I have to practice it's hard to be able to do things with you that's more than talking and staying in the dorm. Getting out is really refreshing."

   You were about to respond to his comment when a person bumped right into you. They continued to jog  along, leaving you with just an "Oh, sorry!"

   When they hit you, it caught you off guard. You tripped forward right to Jisung. Trying to hold your hands out to stop from falling on him, you ended up with them rested against Jisung, and his arms around you to catch your fall.

   You reopened your closed eyes and came into contact with Jisung's wide ones. The stare stayed constant, until Jisung suddenly pecked you on the lips. In surprise, you felt your knees grow weak. Jisung was shocked himself, and tried to back away. You stumbled a bit from your weak feelings, so Jisung came right back to steady you.

   The both of you were blushing like mad.

   To escape the awkward eye contact, you looked off to the side in the direction of the person who bumped into you, causing this unexcepted situation. You thought you would just see the smallest form of a person jogging down the path, but instead, you caught sight of a head peeking at the two of you from behind a trash can.

   Despite the slight glimpse you caught, Haechan's look gave him away.

   "Haechan?" you called out to the hiding head.

   Out popped Haechan from behind the trash can. There was a sneaky, mischevious smile on his face as he sauntered to you and Jisung.  

   "So, how's the date?" he asked, as if he was never there.

   "Haechan, were you the one who bumped into me?" you questioned with suspicion.

   "Me? Bumping into you? Do you mean when you stumbled and fell into Jisung's arms, and then caused him to kiss you? No, I don't believe I know who did that."

   "Haechan!" Jisung muttered through clenched teeth.

   Haechan let out a short snicker. "I should get back to my run. You crazy kids pick up where you left off." And at that, Haechan turned and ran off down the trail.

   Jisung scratched the back of his neck and struggled to keep eye contact. "I'm sorry. That wasn't a picture-perfect... kiss. I didn't mean to... It just sort of happened."

   "Don't apologize," you told him. Jisung dropped his arm to his side. "I guess you just knew that the time was right, huh?"

   Jisung looked up from his shoes, sheepishly, and cracked a tiny smile. "It wasn't bad, was it?"

   You laughed and picked up his hand, entwining it with yours. "No, of course not." You began to walk and Jisung matched your stroll.

   His embarrassment seemed to be diluting. "I'll still have to make up for it sometime."

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(A/N): I'm finally on spring break. lalaandtokki is literally going to be staying at my house for a whole week plus one day. It's gonna be great. She's actually reading Wattpad right now while I finish writing this

Qotd: What's your least favorite food?

Aotd: Mushrooms or sweet potatoes

Next: 100th Part Special (omgomg it's finally here, 100!)

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