Drive-In - Haechan

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(This is for HobisHeartSmile I hope everything turns out okay and I wish you the best doll Also, sorry I haven't continued with the soulmate au parts. I'll try to catch up with them soon. For now, let's pretend it's your birthday for this imagine ;) and let's say Haechan is a trustworthy driver)

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"Where are you taking me?" you asked Haechan while laughing. It was your birthday, and Haechan promised you a surprise. He made you wear a blind fold as he drove the car. You felt a bit nervous out of confusion and wonder, but you also trusted Haechan. He was your best friend, after all.

"That would ruin the birthday surprise, now wouldn't it?" You could hear in Haechan's words the smile that played on his face.

You impatiently tapped your foot as the car continued to move on. It was exciting to be given a surprise by your best friend, but the suspense was also killing you.

"Plug your ears," Haechan told you.


"Just do it."

You sighed, but smiled nevertheless. If your eyes were open, you would have rolled them at Haechan. You covered your ears with your hands to block out the noise Haechan was trying to hide from you.

The car pulled to a stop for a minute. You're curiosity continued to rise and you smiled in excitement.

   The car began to move again and Haechan hit your arm. You uncovered your ears to listen.

   "You can take your blind fold off in a couple of seconds," Haechan informed you. "Are you ready to see your surprise?"

   A smile surfaced on your face while you nodded in response. The car slowly stopped and you felt Haechan's hand untie the blindfold on your face.

   The cover fell from your eyes onto your lap. A giant movie screen was set up with many cars surrounding. Haechan adjusted the radio in the car to the appropriate station the drive-in had for the movie. Commercials danced on the screen in the meantime while people drove into the lot.

   "Wow," you awed. "You brought me to a drive-in movie for my birthday."

   Haechan nodded with a look of satisfaction.

   "Thank you so much, I love it." Your eyes scanned the giant movie screen with happiness. Haechan's watched you with a glint of admiration.

   The movie started a little bit after you two arrived. It was a movie you had been talking about wanting to see ever since the commercial came out.

   "Haechan, you know me so well," you told your friend, leaning against his shoulder and eating the popcorn he had bought for you. "One of the best birthdays ever."

   "I'm a good listener," Haechan responded and casually added a shrug.

   You laughed and threw a piece of popcorn at him.

   "What do you wish for on your birthday?" Haechan asked you. His head moved away from the screen to look at you resting against his shoulder.

   You kept your eyes forward to not miss the scene as you thought for a second. "I just wish that I can keep you around forever. Especially if you treat me like this." A chuckle escaped your lips. "But I'm serious. You're the best friend I've ever had."

   Haechan smiled while looking at your expression. The way the light from the movie hit your face, chiseling the structure with shadows. Your soft hair against his arm. The natural scent that hung on your clothes that reminded him of something warm and homey.

   "Anything else?" he asked.

   You finally took your eyes away from the screen to look up at Haechan. Your gaze met his warm one and you suddenly felt a rush or pacing in your chest. "I mean, I think it would be nice to find love this year."

   "Don't we all?" He laughed. Haechan gently brushed your hair away from your face. "You know you're my favorite person, right?

   "Awe, Haechan, don't get sappy on me." You grinned and booped his nose with your index finger.

   His hand circled from your hair to under your chin. Feeling bold, Haechan guided your chin up as he leaned closer to you. Your heart skipped a beat as his lips met yours.

   It was short and sweet, but enough to make you feel as if you were melting against him. Your face began to heat up and a shy smile surfaced on your face.

   "Happy birthday, (y/n)," he whispered.

~   ~   ~

(A/N): So for any monbebes out there, I have an applyfic for Monsta X out. It is not first come first serve, so you still have time to apply for anyone you want ~ the deadline is March 1. If you're interested, feel free to check it out

Qotd: Last movie you saw at the cinema?

Aotd: I saw Into the Spider-Verse today with my boyfriend haha ~ it was really good. Tomorrow I'm seeing A Dog's Way Home with a friend. I have been DYING to see it

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