Moonlight - Jaemin (pt.3)

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You awkwardly stood near the back while the dodgeball game started around you. It was gym class and sometimes you would be able to play games on Fridays. Today, the class treat was dodgeball. However, you were stuck with a team that none of your friends were on.

One person, in particular, was on your team: Jaemin. It's been a couple weeks since you last talked to him. It was so hard since Jaemin would only isolate himself from everyone. You couldn't even read how he was feeling from his facial expressions since they were always blank.

Jaemin was incredible when it came to anything in gym class. While playing dodgeball, he would always be either the last one on the court or the one to win the game. All you could really do was stare in awe as he played.

Jaemin jogged passed you to retrieve a ball from the back. His eyes locked on yours as he continued. It was hard to not feel a slight flutter in your stomach from his eye contact.

"Thanks, again," you muttered to him.

"Don't worry. Just let it go," Jaemin replied. Instead of running to the front to hurl the ball, Jaemin stood next to you and threw. With spot-on aim, he was able to get someone out.

"I can't just let it go," you told Jaemin as he turned to look at you. "You saved my life. That's not easy to forget."

He held his gaze, not tearing away for even a second. Out of the corner of your eye, you just caught a bright color coming closer. You gasped, about to warn Jaemin. Before anything could leave your mouth, Jaemin's arm extended out from his side and caught the ball, without his eyes leaving you.

You could feel your mouth agape with wonder. "How do you do that?"

Jaemin shrugged, letting the ball fall to the ground. "I just have good reflexes."

"But it almost seems impossible... It's actually incredible."

"It isn't as great as it seems." Jaemin blinked slowly and bit the inside of his cheek.

"Why wouldn't it be great? It's like you're a superhero or something."

"There's more to it." Jaemin paused and drew in suspense.

Your head hung to the side. "Why can't you just tell me what's going on? Why is everything about you a secret?"

Jaemin finally broke away to stare at his sneakers, briefly. "I'm a monster."

The gym teacher's whistle rang in the gym. You spun towards the source and saw the teacher giving you both a warning look. "Stop the chit-chat or you'll lose participation points."

Jaemin's P.O.V

I have to stay away from (y/n). I can't get too close. I'm dangerous. If they knew what I really was, (y/n) would never think of me the same, nor could they trust me.

But they keep asking me what's going on and I have to give vague answers to protect them from the monster I am. I can't hurt them. I can't.

If I distance myself farther, they'll never be hurt by me.

I remember everything from my first night changing into a savage animal. An innocent man in the woods... gone. It was all my fault. Every full moon when I change, the memory is stuck to my like superglue.

Two people died because of me. Even my parents can't help themselves when a wolf. It pains me to watch myself turn against innocent people and not be able to do anything about it. Seeing that man's pleading face was forever engraved in my mind.

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