Dolphin Boy, You Give Me Joy - Chenle

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(I literally had no idea what to call this so there you go)

"DONGHYUCK, I SWEAR ON THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" You yelled as you jumped up and down, reaching for the journal Haechan had in his up-stretched hand. He laughed since you couldn't reach it.

"I just want to know who my sister has a crush on," he taunted you, turning around and darting off with it.

"HAJIMA!" You took off after him, whining. I knew I shouldn't have left it sitting out, you thought, cursing to yourself.

Haechan ran into his room and slammed the door closed, laughing evilly. You started banging on it and twisting the handle, but it was locked.

"Open the door!"

"Nope. Now, let's see." Haechan cleared his throats for dramatic effect, and imitated your voice as he began. "December 15, I wonder what I'll get for Christmas this year-"


"Maybe I'll finally gain the confidence to confess to my crush." Haechan oohed. "I wonder who this crush is. Let's continue."

You hit your hands on the door one last time, before sliding down it, tearing up in frustration.

"February 5, Haechan invited his friends over today, that means I got to see him. BUT WHO'S 'HIM'? Geez, (y/n), be more specific. At least now I know I'm friends with him."

"Donghyuck, please..."

"Skip forward and March 22, I don't know how it's happening, but I'm starting to like him more and more all the time. The way his eyes always sparkle with excitement, the way he's always sparked with energy, how his laugh can make anyone's day. I know it sounds stupid, but dolphin boy, you give me joy! Uck, I just threw up a little."

"Donghyuck, your friends are here!" Your mom called up the stairs. Your heart raced faster, remembering that he invited them over today, but Haechan has your journal.

"Erg, I just need to figure this out." You heard pages being flipped as Haechan searched for his answer.

"Just give up!"

"No! July 28, I had a conversation with him today. Haechan had his friends over and Chenle was getting water while I was in the kitchen. I got so nervous, but he was really nice and we ate the rest of the cookies while talking- WAIT!"

You squeezed your eyes closed, lying down on the floor. You were scared for all the kinds of teasing you were going to receive.

"You and Chenle ate all the cookies?"

The door opened up, and you peeked at your brother with confusion. That's all he has to say?

But then there it was: the cocky grin. He knew how much power he had in his hands now. He dropped the journal next to you. A herd of feet came stomping up the stairs. You grabbed the journal, darting into your room. You turned around and glared at Haechan, but all he did was wink and put a finger up to his lips. Was he really going to keep quiet?

You looked over to his friends coming to the top. You saw Chenle, with a bright grin spread on his face. His smiles were contagious, and you wanted to show one too.

"You guys can head into my room, but Chenle, can you help me get something?" Everyone started filling into Haechan's room, but Chenle stayed put. "(Y/n), you know where the paint is in the basement since you use it often, can you show us where it is?"

You looked at Haechan, narrowing your eyebrows from his stupid question. He looked at you, hinting something. "It's on the-."

"Can you show us?"

Even Chenle was giving Haechan a weird look. You rolled your eyes, starting down the stairs. You led them into your the finished basement and to the shelves where your stored art supplies.

"That's cool," Haechan said, nodding while inspecting the paints. "Well, let's head back upstairs!"

Haechan started for the door and you followed, in complete confusion.

"What are you talking about? I thought you wanted to paint," you told him.

"Hey, when did we get that?" Haechan asked, pointing passed you. You turned around to see what he was walking about, but the door leading upstairs was thrown open, hitting you. Chenle jumped in front of you to catch up, but your fall sent you both collapsing onto the floor, you landing on top of him.

Your eyes widened, and Chenle's did too. The door was slammed shut, but you had too much shock to even blink. The basement was completely silent, besides the sound of the air conditioner running. Your face was burning with embarrassment.

   All of a sudden, Chenle burst into dolphin giggles, which only made you blush even harder, still frozen in place. He then stopped and looked up at you, furrowing his eyebrows. "Are you okay?" He asked.

   "I like you," you blurted out. Your hand immediately clamped over your mouth.

   Chenle was silent for a second, processing your words. "You what?"


   "You like me?" His face lit up like a kid on Christmas.

   Your eyes squeezed shut as you rolled off to the side, folding your arms over your burnt face.

   Chenle squealed and rolled around, before bolting up right. He looked at you, smiling, and you only peeked at him from under your arm, not wanting to move. He had to unfold your arms himself and help you sit up.

   "I didn't mean to say anything..."

   "I'm glad you did!"

   You looked up at Chenle, who was still beaming.

   "Haechan knows that I've actually had a crush on you for a while," Chenle admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just didn't want it to be weird if you found out and didn't like me back. Hanging out with Haechan would be awkward for both you and me."

   You saw the slightest tint of red cascade across the bridge of his nose. This, and his words, sent your heart on rapid mode.

   "Would you... would you like to be..." Chenle took a second to sort out his words. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

   It seemed impossible, but you felt even warmer. A smile surfaced on your face as you nodded. "Yes."


(A/N): I'm sure Chenle squeaked at your answer. It wasn't the best imagine, but defiantly better than my first few, which I have trouble not cringing when thinking about them. If you haven't already, feel free to check out my new story, Nepenthe. It's about Jisung. Very excited. Also, feel free to follow me on Twitter, @ same username here. I don't post much, but I'll follow back.

Qotd: Ultimate bias?

Next imagine: I'm starting another series within this series which is a choose your ending type of story. Kind of like Click Your Heart, if you've seen it. It's between Yuta and Taeyong, which was requested ;)

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