Not What It Looks Like - Donghyuck (pt. 1)

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   It's been three months since your grandfather's passing.

   Three months, you said silently. Yet it feels like yesterday when he was fine. When he still has his right-mind.

   You shoved your hands into your sweatshirt pocket, fighting back the tears that pricked behind your eyes. This being the first of your family to pass, it was hard on you.

   It wasn't a surprise at all when he did go to rest. He's been fighting his dementia for years and couldn't tell fantasy from reality. No one took extra precaution until your grandmother woke up to him gone. He took the car and drove to your house, thinking you were kidnapped by terrorists.

   A little less than a year later — filled with crazy hallucinating and nightmares — also known as three months ago, he passed. You were numb when first hearing the news. No tears came and your heart only had a heavy feeling. The next night is when it kicked in. You could barely get a second of peace before the memory took over again, and you sobbed a little more. Then peace came for just enough time to wipe your face and blow your nose, before another fit broke out. Knowing you wouldn't be able to sleep for some time, you curled in the corner and shivered while sobbing. You loved your grandfather, and he loved you just as much.

   Your parents weren't home at the moment. They worked during the day on weekends. You needed to get out of the house; being trapped in there all day wasn't going to make you feel better. Granted, what you were going to do wasn't going to stop any tears from falling.

   You were on your way to your grandfather's grave.

   It was the beginning of fall. The prettiest part. All the trees were vibrant with reds, oranges, and yellows. Your feet crunched the dead ones that had fallen and your eyes watched them pass below you. The country roads weren't busy at all. Only one car passed you during the walk so far.

   You looked up and to the side while passing a house close to the road. There were beautiful fall-blooming flowers that were growing in their yard. You stopped for a second, sweeping your eyes from the flowers to the driveway. No cars seemed present, so it's most likely no one's home.

   It isn't a grave visit without flowers, you said in your mind. I'm sure they wouldn't miss just a couple.

   You bent down near the edge of the flower bed and start plucking a few of the hidden flowers, so it wouldn't be noticed. The colors you picked reminded you of your grandfather: yellow for his happy spirit, purple for his loyalty, pink for his loving heart.

   "Ahem," you heard someone cough.

   You flinched at the sudden sound, dropping the flowers you had picked.

   "Are... are you stealing my flowers?" The person's question had hints of amusement and sounded like they were smiling.

   You slowly stood back up, taking the flowers you pulled. You're eyes finally meet the bright red-haired boy. You could recognize him from school, but you've never talked to him before.

   "It's not what it looks like," you muttered.

   The boy crossed his arms, a smirk forming on his face. "It looks like you're stealing my flowers."

   You scuffed your foot on the ground, thinking of how to respond.

   "I'm not sure if I know you well enough for you to warrant flower theft," the boy said.

   You lowered your eyes to the bundle flowers you had. "My name's (y/n)." Your voice came out just a little more than a whisper.

   "Nice to meet you, (y/n), but I'm just curious as to why, out of all things, you're taking my flowers."

   You didn't know how to tell him the fact that you're on your way to the cemetery and wanted to bring something to your grandfather. It seemed... weird that you didn't get some from a store or some from your own house.

   "I don't think I know you well enough to explain my flower theft," you answered, throwing his statement back at him.

   The boy huffed a laugh. "Donghyuck. My name's Donghyuck."

   You could recognize the name from hearing it around the school.

   "But you can call me Haechan."

   You forced a small smile, looking back at the flowers.

   "Why are you taking my flowers?"

   A sigh escaped you. You muttered as quietly and mumbly as possible, "I'mgoingtothecemetery."

   Donghyuck's face showed his confusion from not being able to hear your words. "What?"

   "I'm going to the cemetery," you said more audibly.

   Haechan straightened himself, understanding what you were talking about. "For who?" he asked, more gently.

   "My grandfather." You noticed his eyes cloud with sympathy. "He passed three months ago."

   "I..." Haechan started to talk. "I don't exactly know how to express my feelings, but I really am sorry."

   "Yeah... I've heard that more than enough."

   He almost looked stung by your rejection in his condolences. "Would you let me walk you the rest of the way?"


   "I don't want anyone to grieve alone. You need someone to lean on."

   You looked at this boy you just now got on a first-name-basis with, asking to walk you to a cemetery after you just stole flowers from him. Weighing your options, you decided.

   You let go a long exhale.

   "Okay. Let's go."

~ ~ ~

(A/N): Soooo, hello!! I'm here, coming at you with another one. This one has to be separated into two parts because it was too long and stuff needs to happen. I got inspiration off of a tumblr au post, which is where I get a lot of inspiration from

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