Warmer Inside - Jisung

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   Jisung had invited you over earlier that day. It was rolling around to about five in the afternoon. It had already begun to snow giant snowflakes that easily packed together. When you arrived, Jisung was waiting at the door for you to quickly run inside. Your face had tints of pink from the cold nipping at your skin. Jisung smiled at how cute you looked bundled up in all your layers to stay warm.

Jisung took your coat for you and started to make hot chocolate. After taking off your boots and other winter necessities — such as gloves, a scarf, and hat — you met back up with Jisung in the in the kitchen.

"Are you warm enough?" he asked, turning the stove on high to boil some water. "Should I turn up the heat? OH! The fireplace!" Jisung started to run over to the living room that was just behind you.

You smiled, watching him turn on the gas-powered fireplace. He seemed so eager. He soon returned to you. "What do you want to do today?"

You shrugged. "You invited me over, I thought you had plans for something."

Jisung thought for a second. "Do you want to watch something on the TV? You can watch YouTube on it, or Netflix. Whatever you want."

"Ooh, can I show you one of my favorite music videos?"

Jisung nodded enthusiastically. Before going to the couch to watch anything, Jisung finished making the two mugs of hot chocolate, adding a couple marshmallows. You told Jisung to look away as you typed in the name of the music video.

"Don't look until the song starts playing," you told him.

The familiar sound of We Young boomed out of the speakers. You covered the lower half of your face under the collar of your shirt to hide your mischievous smile. Jisung whipped his head towards you. His eyes were narrowed and he was fighting back a laugh, which led to him tilting his head back and letting out a "kkkkk."

You laughed behind the shirt. Jisung swung his arms around you, pulling you closer so he could rest his forehead on your shoulder to his his pink tinted cheeks.

A couple hours had passed since the two of you started watching YouTube. The sky was streaked in shades of gray and blue with a hint of purple and pink in the setting sun. The snow was falling fast and covered all the surrounding area.

Footsteps entered the living room where you and Jisung sat. "It looks like the roads are closing because of the snow and ice. It's too slick," Taeyong informed you.

"How will I get home?" you asked, feeling slightly concerned because your parents would be expecting you.

"You'll have to stay until they open back up," Taeyong answered, taking the empty mugs that were once filled with hot chocolate.

After a quick call back home, it looks like you wouldn't be able to get anywhere. You walked back into the living room where Jisung was waiting. You told him the situation.

"Oh, uh, you can take, um..." Jisung scratched the back of his head, thinking. "I think Heachan's room is the cleanest right now. You can take his room while he sleeps on the couch."

"I think not!" you heard Haechan's voice from the other room.

Jisung huffed, looking at his feet. "All the other rooms are messy... Take my room." He met back with your gaze. "I'll sleep on the couch."

You shook your head. "I'm fine on the couch. Just give me a blanket and I'll pass out."

"Are you sure? I feel bad I can't-"

"It's fine," you interrupted him. Your face showed a warm and soft expression to reassure him. Jisung returned a stare before sighing in defeat.

"Let me at least get you something more comfy to wear."

Jisung retreated up to his room. You compromised in letting him lend you a sweater since you said you could just sleep in the leggings you were currently wearing.

You came back into the living room after changing into the red sweater that was brought to you. Jisung stood up from the couch, mouth hanging slightly open as he started walking towards you.

"Awe," he cooed to you. "Why don't you wear my sweaters more often?"

You shyly smiled up at him, and he beamed back to you.

While you were changing, Jisung had put a sheet over the couch and laid out a couple soft blankets and a nice puffy pillow for you to use.

Before going off separate ways to sleep, the two of you decided to sit near the fire, a blanket wrapped around your's and Jisung's shoulders. The two of you talked and talked, making stories that made you laugh, and talking about personal things that got sentimental. Your head leaned to the side, resting against Jisung. He rested his head against yours. Your eyes began to flutter in a struggle to stay open.

"Are you tired?" Jisung asked as he stroked loose hairs away from your face.

You nodded lazily and hummed a response.

"I'll put a movie on the TV for us to watch. Once you've fallen asleep, I'll turn it off and head to bed."

During the beginning, you were sitting up and paying attention, but as time went by, you slowly started to slump over, until you finally drifted off.

Next morning

You stretched your arms out of the blankets, yawning before opening your eyes. Sunlight flooded into the room, but the wall color wasn't the same tan that was in the living room. You abruptly sat up, realizing you were in a bed, not the couch. You could recognize a pair of Jisung's shoes in the corner, along with a few other things of his possession.

You then realized that Jisung somehow got you to sleep in his room, while he took the couch.

~ ~ ~



For those who haven't: TheEastLight is a South Korean band with six members. I thought Dream was a group of fetuses, but TheEastLight OOF. The oldest member was born in 2000 and the youngest in 2003. IM OLDER THAN TWO OF THEM, GUYS! I CAN SAY MY NOONA HEART! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER! Anyways, they need SO MUCH LOVE OMG ~ they have some songs, but they also do covers and a lot of the covers are English songs. These kids are crazy talented on instruments and just in general. I'm writing a fanfic called My Noona Heart about my TEL bias, Sagang and I'm older than him by like three months oml :')

I'm sorry for talking up another group on my NCT Imagines book, but I just needed to give these kids attention cause they deserve a lot IM CRYING SKXKSKX

Next: Doyoung scenario

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