It's Cold - WinWin

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(Idk why but this song hit me with an inspiration. The song is linked in the header if you want to listen while reading)

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Every day felt cold. Seasons came and went yet it always had a feeling of winter to you. A lonely kind of mood. The earth was muddy from the spring showers and melted winter, which dirtied your sneakers as you stumbled down to the bank of a river. A paper boat was held in your hands made from a letter written to you a while ago.


You're everything to me. I've been wanting to tell you for a while now. Please accept my confession and make me the happiest person alive.

It was a letter from your ex-boyfriend. He wrote it to you a week before you two started dating. If only you knew that a year later it would end with heartbreak as you watched him with another girl at a party he told you he wasn't going to go to.

That was the end.

It always seems to be that way. Every relationship just has to end, right? They're left with coldness in their soul and heart, hoping one day someone will hold them tight enough to melt it away.

You crouched by the water's edge, slowly letting the boat slide from your hands and onto the flowing river. It raced, threatening to tip at every small ripple.

A blistering breeze swirled around you, causing your hair to brush against your skin. You ran out of the house too quickly to grab a jacket. You were cleaning your room when you rediscovered the note. With all the emotion building inside you, you rushed outside, folding the note quickly.

It's cold here, even when you slid your hands into your pocket. It was cold even when you huffed warm air and rubbed them together. Your broken heart seemed to be glazed over with a sheet of ice. Blankets won't help; they won't cover the holes in your chest. The breeze while continued to blow right through.

Footsteps crushed the earth behind you. You held back the urge to look behind you when you felt a warm tear slide down your cheek.


The sound was familiar, you heard it almost every day. A guy in your class by the name of Sicheng, but everyone called him WinWin. He was a nice guy from what you've seen. Tall and awkward, which you found to be sweet and intriguing.

You wiped your cheek with the sleeve of your shirt and turned towards Sicheng. His hands were tucked into the pockets of a warm-looking green coat. His soft face gave a serious expression, unlike the bright one you usually saw at school. He stepped down to the bank where you stood.

"What are you doing here?" you asked him, uncomfortably shifting.

"I come here when I'm bored." Sicheng picked up a stray stick from the ground and began poking the soupy mud with it. He tried to look you in the eyes while continuing, but seemed to feel awkward about the situation. "What are you doing here?"

You didn't know how to answer at first. This was probably the first time you've ever had a conversation with him. Plus, you couldn't just go right into an explanation to why you needed to get away for an hour or so.

Sicheng continued poking the soft and soaked ground with the stick. His dark eyes stayed focused on his pointless task. When they came back to meet with yours, Sicheng's eyebrows lowered. He pulled his green jacket sleeve over his right hand while taking cautious steps towards you. The sleeve was gently wiped across your cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" Sicheng wondered with sincerity.

You didn't even know that any more tears spilled from your eyes until he mentioned it. The bitter wind hit the spots that were left damp on your skin. You could feel the corners of your lips threatening to turn down and tears wanting to start pouring once again.

Your arms crossed in front of you to try and warm yourself. "I can't really explain it."

"Is it you can't explain it, or you don't want to explain it?" Sicheng shifted his arms to slide them out from his jacket. He draped the article of clothing around your shoulders with a small smile.

"The second one," you admitted. "You don't have to give me your jacket." Your hands clutched the sides, about to pull it off.

Sicheng stopped you. "Please, don't catch a cold."

"I think I already have," you muttered mostly to yourself. "Thanks, Sicheng."

"Just say WinWin." His bright expression finally surfaced. It was bright enough to clear the clouds on this gloomy day. He quickly glanced down to his feet while one lightly scuffed the earth's surface. "I saw you at the party the other night." WinWin let out a breathy laugh. "You didn't stay that long, I was hoping you would've stayed longer to see the band."

You bit the inside of your cheek. "Yeah, I didn't want to stay there after I saw my now ex-boyfriend with another girl." You anxiously scratched the back of your hand.

"Are you serious?" WinWin's grin disappeared within a second. He seemed to be at a loss for words, and you considered that maybe it wasn't the best thing to bring up.

"Sorry, you didn't really need to know all that."

"No, I'm glad you told me. He didn't deserve you anyway."

"I don't know..." You trailed off, unable to find any right words to say.

WinWin finally dropped the stick he was holding in his hand and started to walk away from the river's bank. About five steps away, he turned back to look at you, motioning you to follow him. You trailed after him despite being confused.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"Somewhere I can show you how a real gentleman should act."

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(A/N): Aye a bad cliffhanger to end a oneshot. Sorry, it wasn't that great and didn't have a lot of closure. I really wanted to update something before going to sleep and I already had the first couple paragraphs of this written out, so I continued but ran dry. Yet I still posted it pshhh.

Also, I have a little story that I'm still laughing about. So, lalaandtokki and I haven't seen each other in a while, so she surprised me by going to a basketball game I was at Friday (I have to go because I'm the manager for the cheerleaders). I was shocked to see her, thEN SHE PULLED OUT A SLICE OF MANGO KEY LIME IN A BOX FROM HER BAG AND I'M LIKE WHAT

Then, we wanted to eat it, but we didn't have a fork, so we were going to go to the concession stand. I had to let the cheer coach know where we were going and lalaandtokki sAYS "Just tell her we're going to the bathroom because I just wanna east my goddamn cheesecake" AND IT'S PROBABLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE QUOTES NOW SKDKSKX but the concession stand said they didn't have any plastic forks what ever but the cheer coach ended up having one?? I mean, she usually brings leftovers to games to eat, but idk it was weird when she just pulled out a fork to let us use

Qotd: Favorite animal?

Aotd: Probably a fox or wolf

Next: Lucas as Your Brother (because omg I've nonstop been thinking about it)

Also I'm nearing my 100th part and I have no idea what to do to celebrate... you guys know I suck at coming up with celebration ideas I STILL HAVENT CELEBRATED 10K READS WAT

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