Imagine... Doyoung

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Imagine a scene...

You're in a hospital bed, stuck in a coma.

Doyoung sat at the side of your bed, gently holding your hand. He rubbed the back of it in tiny circles.

He was worried and so scared that you might not wake up.

It was a car crash that put you in the coma. There were stitches lining your forehead from a cut on glass as you hit the windshield. It was horrible... and Doyoung blamed himself for it all.

He was driving, but it really wasn't his fault. The roads were slick, and the other car's driver was texting. Doyoung made it out okay, but you not so much.

Doyoung softly sang to your unconscious body. Sweet notes drifted throughout the room. A vase with flowers sat on your bedside table. He added to the bouquet twice now.

His eyes clouded with tears, creating a marble look. A soft kiss was placed into your hand.

"I promise you, (y/n)." His voice was barely audible. Even through whispers, it still broke. "When you wake up, I'll never let another thing hurt you."

Doyoung closed his eyes, a tear cascading down his cheek.

"I'll give you the world... because that's what you deserve."

(A/N): 'REALLY AUTHOR? ANOTHER SERIES?' Yes, another series. They're going to be short and called 'Imagine... (member's name)' I'm not going to really write an ending, but I could make an actual scenario oneshot thing about it if you want *shugs* idk. Not all of them are going to be sad, this one just happened to be.

Qotd: What was your last dream about?

Next: A-Z Mark

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