Moonlight - Jaemin (pt.1)

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(Dedicated to dongsyoki because she's so sweet ♡♡♡
I hope everyone enjoys ^-^. There's probably going to be three parts to this, like a mini-series kind of thing)

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The half-moon sent a light bluish glow on the grass and the paved road you walked down. Trees surrounded either side with eerie shadows. Your eyes tricked you into believing they were following you.

You hugged your jacket closer after a cascade of shivers rippled through your body. With a mind that couldn't stop running, you left your house to clear your thoughts with a breath of fresh air. After maybe only ten minutes into the stroll, you started to think walking this late at night wasn't such a great idea. You began to distract yourself from the chills in your spine.

A mysterious guy moved into town recently. You saw him at school often, sitting by himself and quietly doing his work. Almost every girl talks about him because—you have to admit—he's attractive and has a secretive past. Even guys question who he is and where he came from. His name is Jaemin.

Jaemin kept quiet about his life. That just created an even more intense curiosity and craving to know more about him. What is he keeping from everyone?

The wind rustled the branches and leaves, then a twig snapped. You flinched at first, cutting off your thoughts and stopping you in your tracks. You focused between the trees. Shadows moved inside the clusters of tall trunks, but you couldn't tell if it was your tired eyes, the branches, or if something really was lingering in there.

Bright headlights pulled your focus away. The car began to slow down and pull to a stop. You started walking away from the car out of nervousness that pretty much everything at the moment cause.

"Hey, hey!" The stranger called out to you. "Trust me, you don't have to be scared!"

Your pacing ceased while glancing back at the guy. He was tall and lanky with a worn out gray sweatshirt. He didn't seem like anyone you knew or saw from your town.

"You really shouldn't be out here so late," the guy went on. He started to walk out towards you. Your feet slowly crept backward, but you were almost too scared to run. The stranger pulled out his phone and extended it your way. "You can call someone if you want."

Your eyes shift from his outstretched hand to his face, which seemed to say that you're okay. Still, it was off-putting.

You shook your head, declining his offer. "I'm just going to get home." The beating in your heart went into hyper mode.

The stranger didn't seem to like your answer. His free hand quickly locked your arm with his grip. His hold was tight and hurt you.

"Let me go!" You gasped from shock and the force he gave you. He yanked you towards his car while you tried to pry his hand off your arm. "Ohmygod, someone help me!"

In the midst of your terror, you looked back up, tears welling in your eyes. The stranger had stopped trying to force you to his car just as a hooded figure appeared. The new person brought back their fist and plunged it right into the face of your kidnapper.

The hooded figure didn't look like he would be much stronger than the guy who tried to force you to his car, but his hit had enough force to throw the guy against his car. He groaned in pain while sliding down the side of his vehicle. Blood already began seeping out from his nostrils.

You let out muffled cry from behind the hands you covered your face with. The hooded figure grabbed the stranger by the collar of his pullover and forced him to his feet.

"Thanks for interrupting my night," the hooded figure sarcastically growled. You could distinguish his voice as a male's with its deep tone.

The hooded guy practically threw the kidnapper back into his own vehicle, slamming the door behind him. The guy scrambled for his keys to start the engine with holding his sleeve over his bleeding nose.

Your whole body was shivering violently from the recent events. The guy in the black sweatshirt just barely glanced back at you. It was enough for you to catch a glimpse of who he was before he started running away.

   It was Jaemin.

   You watched him swiftly move; he was incredibly fast.

That was the first time you've really ever heard Jaemin talk. You replayed the image of him glancing back towards you. The moonlight cast against his skin and deepened his features.

Where did he come from? Why was he here in the first place? Why did he run away so fast?

But what confused you the most was how was Jaemin so incredibly strong? Strong enough to send a grown man fleeing for his life?

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(A/N): Let me know how this is going so far. I'll always take your opinions into account.

Qotd: What is your biggest fear?

Aotd: Worms. Whenever I see a worm I literally want to cry. Spiders, I can deal with. Bees and wasps, as long as I don't mess with them. Worms, nO THANKS I'M OUT OF HERE!

Next: Moonlight - Jaemin (pt.2)

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