You Love Me, Don't You? - Chittaphon

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   "How are you feeling?" Ten asked you, glancing at you for a second before glueing his eyes back on the road.

   You grumbled from the passenger seat. "It's gonna hurt," you mumbled, already rubbing the side of your face.

   Ten chuckled. "You'll be fine."

   Ten was driving you to your appointment. You're getting your wisdom teeth pulled and needed to have someone that can drive you home after being high on laughing gas. No one at home was free to drive you, so you called your best friend: Chittaphon. However, one of your parents said they could drop in real quick to sign papers.

"To be honest, I'm a little nervous," you told him. "White coat syndrome, plus I'm getting teeth pulled."

"I can tell. You're not talking much. Usually I can't stop your constant blabbing."

You reached over and hit his shoulder, causing him to laugh. "I'm driving!" A smile still played on his face.

You slumped back in your seat, pulling you knees towards your chest.

"It'll be okay," he said with a soothing voice. The tone in his voice gave you a fuzzy feeling. He's always there for you, since he is your best friend.

   But you couldn't fight the feelings you've developed for him.

*  *  *

You and Ten had arrived. He placed a comforting hand on your back as you entered the building.

   The dentists took you to one of the back rooms while Ten had to stay in the waiting room during the operation. He wished you luck, but that's really the last thing you remembered.

   Ten was able to go and see you after the procedure. You were sprawled out on the chair, completely out of it.

   "How are you feeling?" Ten asked you.

   You rolled your head to the side he was on and giggled. "Dizzy."

   A dentist came over and put some gauze in your mouth to cover the holes and stop bleeding. She also gave you an ice pack that you lazily held to your face.

   Ten chuckled. "It looks like you're done. Are you ready to go?"

   Your expression straightened. "You're weaving(leaving) me?"

   "You're coming with me, silly." Ten ruffled your hair.

   "Don't weave(leave) me," you told him, grabbing his arm.

   "I won't. Why don't you want me to leave?"

   You nuzzled his arm. "Because I wike(like) you."

   "I would hope so," Ten said, amused. "I like you too. We're friends."

   "Thanks for being so adorable." You tried to boop his nose, but missed a couple times. This made him laugh again.

   "Adorable? You've never called me that before." Ten raised an eyebrow at you. "They must've given you way too much laughing gas."

   "Heh, you're funny."

   "I'm not the one on laughing gas." Ten extended his hand out to you. "Let's go. I'll help you."

You reluctantly stood up, fairly off balanced. You slung your arm around Ten's shoulders and he supported you.

"Why is the fwoor(floor) spinning?" You asked.

"(y/n), no it's not," Ten tried to convince you, still amused with your state.

Just then, a thought crossed Ten's mind, causing him to gain a sly smirk.

"Will you tell me who you like now?"

You giggled. "You should know."

"You love me, don't you?" Ten joked.

"SH!" You hushed. "You didn't hear anyfing(anything)."

Ten stopped in place for a second, heart skipping a beat. "Wait... you like, like me?"

"Sh!" You hushed, again, repeating what you said before. "You didn't hear anyfing(anything)."

Ten's expression was blank for a few seconds, not sure how to feel. The first thing was shock, then came guilt. He felt bad that he just learned one of your secrets without you being able to control yourself.

Then, he became ecstatic, as if he was also high on laughy gas.

"I was hoping to be the one to confess," Ten said, shyly.

"Confess what?"

Ten only answered your question by pecking you on your numb lips. He started to get a feeling of worry when he saw you start to pout.


"You kissed me, but I can't feew(feel) it because I don't have any wips(lips)!" You whined, tearing up. You rested your head on his shoulder as you started to cry.

Ten burst into laughter. "(y/n), you have lips!"

Your fingers traced your mouth. "No I don't! I can't feew(feel) anyfing(anything)." You sniffed and wiped your face. "Would you stiw(still) kiss me again even though I don't have any wips(lips)?"

"Of course," Ten chuckled, rubbing your back. "I bet you would like some ice cream, wouldn't you?"

You sadly nodded into his shoulder.

A warm-hearted Ten lead you out of the building and took you for some ice cream.

~ ~ ~

(A/N): Future Yuwin fanfic (now published and in process, called Date) and a Jisung one will be coming sometime (now published and finished, called Nepenthe)

Qotd: Who's your Dream bias?

Next update: WinWin

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