Don't Worry - Haechan

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(I missed doing requests, not gonna lie. This is for HobisHeartSmile you're so sweet sdksjfsd)

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Your phone buzzed for about the fifth time in these last few minutes. With a sigh, you reached over and checked the notification. It was yet another from your boyfriend, Haechan.

He sent you a picture of his outfit, which was just one of the many he's been sending with a caption of "how about this one?"

You quickly texted him back.

You: How many times do I have to tell you? All of them look fine.

Haechan was obviously nervous for tonight. Your family was planning a dinner with Haechan because they seemed eager to meet him.

You: Is someone a little worried about meeting my family? ;)

Haechan: No, I'm not worried at all...

Haechan: How about this outfit? Does it make me look too much like a street beggar? I don't want your family to think I beg on streets...

You: You look fine. Now quit changing because you should be on your way soon.

You let out a soft laugh before heading to the kitchen. The smell of warm and well-seasoned food filled the room. Your parents wanted to make something nice tonight for your special guest.

"(Y/n)," a small voice called to you. Your little four-year-old sister came bouncing out into the room next to you. "When will Haechannie get here?"

"Soon," you let her know. "But you can't steal him from me the whole night, okay?"

"But he's my boyfriend," your little sister 'informed you', holding out her arms and grinning. You rolled your eyes, but out of amusement from your little sister's crush on Haechan. She met Haechan when you had to babysit her while also hanging out with him. She took a particular interest in Haechan and likes to pretend he's her boyfriend.

A sudden hand messed up your hair. You batted away the hand of your oldest brother. He's one of the three brothers you have which just makes it all that much more "exciting" for you to introduce Haechan tonight.

It wasn't more than fifteen minutes later that you heard a knock on the front door. "I'll get it!" you called to your family, but your seven-year-old little brother was already there. He opened the door and greeted Haechan.

"You're the guy (y/n) has been going on about?"

Haechan glanced from the boy to you. He almost seemed concerned by the question. "Yes," Haechan slowly replied. You facepalmed before pulling your brother away from the door.

"Please, come in, Haechan," you told your boyfriend.

Haechan stepped into the house, rubbing his hands against his pants. This was the most nervous you've ever seen him. Haechan was just concerned about making a good impression.

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