Heart - Taeyong

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(Requested by Mochi_Suga_Kookies ~ I love Taeyong as a bad boy concept -butactuallysoftunderthecoldshell-. *cough* *cough* possible future book maybe? ;D Warning, I don't think that it would really be triggering, but there's an abusive relationship in this oneshot~)

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   He wore a cold look on his face when walking down the halls. His sweatshirt hood was always up and had earbuds in. Just looking at Taeyong would give you bad vibes. The school's bad boy, and bully.

   If you were casually hanging around in the hallway, and he turned the corner, everyone would stiffen. His small glance would catch you off guard as you tried to avert your eyes and continue to your next class.

   Your boyfriend would pull you closer to him when Taeyong was near, knowing that he would get into a fight with anything and everything in his way. Your boyfriend's grip was tight on your arms, almost possessive.

   Being honest, you weren't happy with your relationship, but no matter what happened, you both would always crawl back to each other. Your friends tried to tell you that it's because you've grown needy of his affectionate times, and he's developed an obsession with toying with your emotions and causing harm to you.

   And without you, he has nothing... and is nothing. You've started to think that way as well.

   Your boyfriend held you close to him as Taeyong walked down the hall. You kept a nervous eye on him. As Taeyong passed you, he glanced to the side, locking eyes with you in a cold way.

   After school, you decided to walk to the town's library to hang out in the park it has outside. Most students wandered there after school to pass time out of their bored and easily distracted minds. Your boyfriend accompanied you, like how he always does.

   He was really quiet, and acting distant. You knew these were the pits of the relationship. There was something bothering him that probably had to do with you. He seemed to grow upset with you easily because there was always something more he wanted.

   "Is there something bothering you?" you finally asked.

   He gave out a heavy sigh before saying anything. "I feel like you're fading away from me."

   It was almost like a broken record, hearing those words. There was a sharp feeling in your chest every single time. As he drifted into these states, it would also turn into fights. He even made you walk home from a date after one that happened between the two of you not more than a month ago.

   "I'm not fading away from you," you tried to convince him like you always did. You grabbed his hand and leaned against his shoulder as the two of you strolled through a path that had tall trees growing along it.

   Usually, he would try to contradict your words while getting louder, but this time his jaw was clenched as he tugged his hand away from your grasp. You stopped walking and watched him with wide eyes as he stared off into the distance. His eyes clouded, making it look like he was in deep thought.

   "You don't love me anymore," he quietly said.

   "How could you say that?" You tried to step into his field of vision, but your boyfriend only turned his head away. He isn't right... is he?

   "You mean the world to me, (y/n). I don't think I could live without you. Why are you lying to me?"

   "I'm not!" you pleaded, reaching out to him again. Your boyfriend only pushed your arm away, harshly. "What are you doing?" you asked, hurt.

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