Soulmate AU ; Haechan

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(So, I wanna try something new in this book, and what better way to do that then make it as a birthday special for our Full Sun (there are still two more hours left of June 6th where I am so it still counts loll)!! Haha, also some Haechan fluff for those reading Nothing Really Lasts because I know it isn't what you would call cheerful sdfkjsdlf. One more thing I would like to say... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K FOLLOWERS!! I love you all so much!! Requests will continue after this part)

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Haechan's P.O.V

"Happy birthday!" all seventeen other members called as I walked into the living room. I rubbed my tired eyes before widening them at the surroundings. A cake was on a table that the members surrounded and a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' banner was hung from the ceiling.

"I didn't expect these wishes so early," I laughed, walking over to the table and Jaemin strapped a party hat on my head. The group sang happy birthday to me while I took it all in. "Wow, this cake looks amazing! I bet you didn't make it."

The others let out some laughs while Taeyong lit the candles. "Only the best for our mood maker, Channie." He stood back to let me come closer. "Make a wish."

I leaned against the table, supporting myself with my hands. Briefly, I looked down at my left hand to see the normal black stain across my knuckles. Whenever I see my smudge, I always feel scared about how I'll meet my soulmate. If the smudge is across my knuckles, what if the first time I meet my soulmate is by hitting them? The way it lays across my hand, it's as if my first would collide with something.

I shook my head to leave my trance and blew out my candles. Maybe my birthday wish could be to meet my soulmate without violence.

The group applauded when the fire had vanished. I was greeted by many hands reaching towards me with icing. I laughed and pushed them away, but I was not unharmed. A few had smeared streaks across my face

After enjoying some cake with the others and washing the icing off of my face, I sat down at a table with Taeyong. I rubbed my black mark on my knuckles and briefly glanced at Taeyong's mark on his forearm. His had already turned bright and colorful after a getting through a crowd at the airport. Taeyong didn't know that his mark turned until he boarded the plane. It was too late for him to find who it was.

"Do you think you'll see who turned your mark colorful?" I asked him.

Taeyong shrugged and gave a small smile. "I would hope so since we're supposed to be soulmates." He slowly exhaled before continuing. "It would be hard to tell, though. Considering my mark is already turned."

I nodded, looking down at mine. "What if when I meet mine, it isn't in a friendly way?"

Taeyong reached over the table and gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "You shouldn't think like that. It'll get you into a slump on your birthday. How about we go out for the day? To get it off your mind."

I nodded my head while forcing a smile. Taeyong grabbed some money, insisting on paying, while a couple others tagged along. We walked downtown. It was bright and sunny out which was a great gift for my birthday. Though, it caused many people to be out walking in the town as well.

The line was long at the ice cream parlor, but we didn't mind the wait. Instead of eating inside, Taeyong suggested that we stop by a few stores. He offered to buy me something for my birthday. I stayed close behind while squeezing through crowds of people.

Jaemin found a shirt that I liked and Taeyong paid for it. While waiting for him to be done, I leaned against the counter and fidgeted with my hands. I looked down for a second at something that caught my attention. A bright and colorful smear was in place of the black one I've had all my life. I blinked a couple times while rubbing my eyes before looking at it once again. It wasn't just in my head.

"Ah, thank you," Taeyong politely thanked the cashier while retrieving the bag with my shirt. "Come on, Haechan, let's walk around the park."

"We have to retrace our steps," I told him. Taeyong gave me a confused look, but before he could say anything I showed him my knuckles. "I need to find them."

Jaemin, Taeyong, Mark, and Jaehyun all gawked at the splash of colors. The others—besides Taeyong—checked their black smudges, curious as to if theirs turned during their time out as well. However, it turned out that I was the only one with it.

"I must have brushed against them while walking through the crowd of people." My heart plummeted, seeing this as exactly how Taeyong's turned out: brushing against their soulmate and not releasing it until later when it's probably too late.

I burst out the doors of the store and scoured the area. I hoped to see another person doing the same with their mark also turned.

"Haechan!" Taeyong called to me as he rushed out of the doors. "Do you remember when it changed?"

I vigorously shook my head. "It must have been after we got ice cream and before we went into the store." I started pacing down the sidewalk in the direction we came from. Maybe they saw and started to retrace their steps like what I was doing.

I parted through the groups of people traveling. My eyes just caught sight of someone standing off to the side. The afternoon sun hit their face and brought out their features. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk traffic to glance at the streak of colors on their forearm. A forearm my hand would've passed if we were walking in opposite directions.

I quickly broke from the crowd and stumbled in front of you. No words would form because I was in so much shock. I glanced down at my colorful patch, then to yours as they started to glow a little brighter.

You bit the inside of your cheek, becoming shy from the sudden meeting. "Hi, I'm (y/n). And you?"

"Hi, (y/n). I'm your soulmate."

You laughed, covering your mouth. I rubbed the back of my neck, chuckling as well.

"Sorry, that was bad," I admitted. "My name is Haechan."

"It's nice to meet you."

I looked into your eyes and felt my heart racing. "I guess my birthday wish come true."

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(A/N): oOF I'm not proud of this hahaha. eUh the cringe. I still wish the best for our Haechan and hope he has another great year. Also, a happy birthday to my fam fantastic_odyssey because it's still June 6th where I am sdfkdsj her books are amazing I 10/10 recommend.

Qotd: What kind of thing should I do for Taeil's birthday since that's coming up? A scenario? A day with Taeil? Soulmate AU? sdkfjdk

Aotd: Just interested in what you guys think

Next: Jisung scenario (for real this time)

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