how could you ...chapter 27

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its you...

[ Dylan pov ]

I walked downstairs wondering who is at the door . its only 3:44 as I looked at my iPhone.

I opened the door and said "you..."

it was jack 


jack didn't even move , I calmed myself down and stepped outside with him . we stood outside until he muttered under his breath " I'm sorry ".

he looked up at me finally and I saw his blood shot eyes and his bruises . An small gasp escaped my lips at the sight .

I said to him " what happened to you !?!". he looked at me and said " forget it .I'm sorry !".

" for what",  I said almost amused wanting him to explain what he was sorry for .

" ugh I'm sorry for the way I treated you , I'm sorry I called you emo and I'm sorry I tried to beat you up ".

I said " ok apologize not excepted ".

he looked up at me and said " what! why not ?!".

I looked at him face to face and said

" your one of the many reason why I hate life , why I do the things I do , the things you make me feel , and what I have with Rachel is the only thing that keeping me on earth right now . you think I'm just gonna forget and forgive you ,yea right prick !".

he then slightly yelled and said " I'm so mean to people because of Rachel . "

he sighed and looked up at the sky ." I was upset I moved , and had to break up with her . she got worse and couldnt stop it ! I want to make her stop cutting just like you do , but I couldnt so I took my anger out on those people instead of myself ". I was shocked he opened up to me .

I looked down at my shoes then up and said " look man ,I'm sorry , I just  have had an hard life and I don't know really what to do ". he looked at me and said " same ".

" why are do have bruises and look like you were crying ?" i sort of blurted out without thinking

he said " my parents found out about the fight and my dad beat me , please don't tell anyone .

i looked to him and said " yea, I know.Rachel told me about your parents , mine do the same to me . long story but I live her with demi and her now  .

he said " so how is Rachel holding up ". I sighed and said " Better , Idk man she cuts on and off I try to stop her as much as I can ya know ".

he nodded and said " we cool bro ".

"yea " I said and smiled .

he said " one thing before I go , can I please talk to Rachel ". I smiled and said

"sure , ill go get her . "

[Rachael pov ]

I heard knocking on my door , and Dylan walked in . he flung his arms around me and I felt slightly better within seconds. he kissed my head and said " you have an visitor ".

"who" I said while smiling .

he said "its jack ". my smile faded and I sat up and said " oh gosh dylan what did you do to him ".

"aha , nothun actually he just wants to talk to you ".

I got up and showed Dylan my face forgetting how blood shot my eyes were and he said to me " why were you crying" . I looked at him and said very cold and monotone " why wouldn't I cry with the shit Ive been through ".  I didn't wait for his reaction and just walked down stairs . I walked out side to see jack there just playing with his fingers .

"Hey ! jack !" , I say automatically putting on an fake smile . I pulled him and hug while he  awkwardly said "hi" .

he said " how have you been ". I looked down and said " fine ". I threw in an smile just to make it seem real .

" come on Rachel I've know you for years , how is it  really going ". he grabbed my arm and pulled the sleeve up , he looked at my healing cuts and scars . he looked up at me and said " these wernt here before ".

I brought my wrist back to myself so he didn't see anymore . " you have got to stop Rachel , this is not healthy ".

I yelled and said " don't you think I know that !"

he said " calm down , I'm here for good now. I'm gonna leave you like before ". I looked at his face and took my hand and touched his cheek . "bruises" I muttered under my breath . I said " your dad huh ?". he nodded and said " he found out about the fight ".

speaking of that , why would you even try to beat him up "

he said " I was upset that I left you there just suffering . no one to help you , I blamed myself every night . knowing that you hurt yourself . so i took it out on others . I talked to Dylan already we are on and friend/talking bases .

I smiled and said " good ".

he looked at me and came closer and said " I never stopped loving you Rachel ".

I looked down and then back up and said " I don't know jack , I have Dylan I don't know my feelings for you ".

he came inches away from my lips and said " how about now" while smashing his lips into mine . I kissed him back . feeling all the feelings I had with him for a matter of seconds. I then realized who my boyfriend was and  pushed him away

" no no I have dylan !! leave now leave now ! I can't do this . not right now . leave.NOW , I yelled getting fed up .He tried to speak but I ran back inside to be meet with an angry Dylan . he obviously saw everything.

he came up to me and said so cold and cruel " I tried Rachel , I FUCKEN TRIED ! WE ARE FUCKEN DONE ! ".  his words making my spine chill . I began to cry .  I tried to talk to Dylan but he didn't listen .

he ran to his room and slammed the door . I banged on the door telling him to let me in but all he said was " go away ".

I felt so bad , I basically crawled to my room . his smell still lingered in my sheets , from when he layed with me .

I cried and cried . I didn't know what to do . I cut all night. I made slits all the up my right arm and some baby cuts on my thigh.  until demi came home later that night . she walked in my room to see me sobbing In the bathroom .

she ran to me while I was cutting my leg again . she grabbed my blade . I didn't care , I sat there motion less . she didn't say anything to Me.

she brought out the alcohol and said " this might sting ". I didn't even move it didn't hurt . my heart hurt worse . demi looked at me and shook me , vigorously . until I snapped out of it . I hugged her so tight as she wrapped my leg in gauze .

she helped me to my bed and said " baby what wrong ". as soon as she said that I began to

cry even more. she said " sshh we can talk about it later ". she rocked me back and forth , I just cried into her chest . while she sung warrior into my ear .

it was soothing me , but everttime I started to feel better I just thought about dylan and jack and cried even more . demi sung me to sleep all night she sung warrior , until your mine , and skycrapper to me. and I finally drifted off to bed not wanting to wake up the next morning .

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