back story ...chapter 26

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[ next day ]

I woke up to see Dylan in his underwear, roming through his closet to find something wear .

he looked at me and smiled , he pulled on his pants and climbed in the bed and kissed me . he said " morning love ".

I smiled and said " Moring babe  ". I layed my head on his shoulder , and said

" sleepy , sleeepy , sleeeeeeeepyyyyy ".

he laughed and said " its only 8:00 am "

"YOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL !! COME ON "I yelled as I grabbed his arm .  he laughed and said " don't worry babe demi is letting me stay home this whole week , just you And me ! " .

I smiled and kissed him . demi came in my his room and said " time to go kido ".

"huh  ?? " I replied


Dylan said " yea we have to go talk to my principle about the fight and crap ".

but I want you to come ".

I nodded as I threw on and jacket , Jeans , and some boots . I threw my hair into an high ponytail with my baby hair sticking out in the back .

we got in the car and drove off to the school . the whole time there I could tell Dylan was nervous . he was playing with my fingers and being very quiet . I kissed his cheek and hugged him

" everything gonna be alright . don't worry ". he had no reaction and just hugged me .

we got to the school and walked to the front office . it was an typical school nothin New . the principal only wanted to talk to demi and we waited outside. we sat in chairs and waited . until a familiar boy walked to us and stopped . I instantly knew who he was ....

[ Dylan pov ]

we sat there and waited . I was so nervous that jack would see me and try to beat me up infront of Rachel. I didn't want her to see the monster I can be , when I get mad . but sure enough he just walked on by us . he stopped and said " emo boy is back huh haha ". I just looked down trying to control my anger .

I then heard him say to Rachel " o my gosh Rachel is that you ?!".

Rachel got up and said " jack... ohmygosh  " . she hugged him and I got jealous I guess and shot up and said

" you guys no each other ?". Rachel looked at me and said " um yea before I moved here I was in an relationship with jack ".

great! I thought too myself , my girlfriend dated my worst enemy at this point , she looked really sad and jack said to her kind of quiet like ." how you holding up , staying strong ". she looked down at her wrist and played with her hair . he got her wrist and kissed it and said " don't worry its gonna be ok ".

I was super jealous at this point , I just wanted to kill the bitch . I just looked at them , they had an connection...I got closer and said  through gritted teeth.  trying so hard to keep my composure .

" excuse me " .

she then said " ohh jack well this is my boyfriend , Dylan ".

jack's jaw dropped then retrieved back so he didn't catch flies " uhh I gotta go , now sorry . uhh...bye Rachel , hope to see you soon ".

she muttered an quick goodbye before he was off walking down the hall .I looked at Rachel while she just played with her fingers . she looked at me and said " I'm sorry I never told you I had an boyfriend before you . I'm sorry he turned out this way towards you ".

"its fine Rachel , I just ...nevermind ."

"NO WHAT IS IT DYLAN !" , she yelled in the empty hallway .

"nothing ! we can talk about it later" .

" fine " she said kinda pissed .


[Rachels pov ]

byee carol ! see you tomorrow for school . I waved bye to her , she was home schooling me today since im not going to high school . demi came skipping down the stairs and said " gotta go baby girl , there is chicken in the oven . I expect you to eat it , alright !".

I laughed and said bye while she walked out the door . I made my way upstairs to see what Dylan was doing . I walked in his room to see him .cutting himself ...

I walked in his room quietly and slammed the door shut . I locked it after . I shouted " DYLAN STOP THIS RIGHT NOW ".

he got up and rushed to the bathroom .  I ran to the bathroom before he could close the door . I barged in , to see him wide eyed and bleeding . he was againest the wall , I took the blade from him and threw it into the bathtub . I sat him on the counter and cleaned his cuts .

same routine every time . he began to cry and I just brought his head and my head together . I said " sshh baby its gonna be ok , its gonna be ok ".

he looked at me with his blood shot eyes and said " I can't do this , I just can't anymore ".

I lifted his head up and said " no , yes you can you have me I have you ! your who I want . The one and only !".

he just began to cry more . I wrapped his wrist in gauze and Carried his body to my room .I sat his body on my lap  and rocked him back and forth . I waited until he stopped crying .

After he stopped crying I asked him what was wrong . he said " nothing ". 

" those marks on your wrist don't mean" 'nothing', I retorted back kind of angry knowing somethins is wrong .

he then got off my lap standing up  and yelled " I did it because my girlfriend had and past boyfriend who treats her so damn well, and he wants to beat the shit out of me plus  makes me want to kill myself !" .

my jaw dropped as I slowly got up to hug him . he just stood there , holding back tears . I explaind to him why he is my only love , that he means more to me than jack ever could.

I told him how I knew jack . " I meet him in 6th grade , he was an jerk . but he did it because he liked me , he asked me out and I said yes . that's when I was being raped bullied and cutting . he found out that I cut and he told me to promise him to stop . but I always broke the promise. he had parents who beat him also , but he never cut himself . we stayed an couple through 6-7th grade . but when 8th grade came along I grew distant and he moved away and I just cut and cut , he was the only I had while demi was gone . so now I had no one and I just didnt know how to handle it ".

Dylan stood in shock, he  so looked ashamed of himself . " I'm sorry babe , I am I made an  Dick move . I shouldn't of acted that way without knowing ". all I could muster up was an simply 'ok' and  hugged him .

we hugged for a long time , I wanted to cry but I don't have any tears left . I climbed in my bed while Dylan tried to join in  with me but I said " can I be alone ".

he looked down and grabbed his neck and said

" yea sure thing babe , I love you ".

he said while closing the door to my room behind him . I grabbed my pillow and crawled to the fetus position and cried . I cried and cried , I cried until my head was hurting . I heard knocking at  the door . but I didn't know who it was . nor did I care who it was , I just wanted to be alone . I heard dylan come to my room and yell from the door " I got it babe !". I heard him walk down the stairs .

[ Dylans pov ]

its you ....

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