tonight let's live like the end of the world...chapter 75

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[ Rachels pov ]

"what the fuck is wrong with you".

is all that rung through my mind . honestly , I don't know . I don't know why I had to be born like this . with an destiny of being sad and lonely for the rest of my life .

why  people around me are forced to  live in sorrow and despair . why I live in sorrow and despair... how does anyone cope with that , and not kill themselves over it  ?

you could say I'm an fuck up .

which I would completely agree with you on those terms . but I loved the  thrill of being quote on quote "reckless" or "rebel".

if felt like I was an new me in the matter of seconds . even thoe I didnt do much , but not take my meds . but it felt good .

I sat there in silence for an second thinking about all of this as an evil grin spread across my lips .

"what is wrongw with me ? , what the fuck is wrong with you!?", I say counter arguing. demi just stared back at me before stepping closer to me . I could see the sympathy in her eyes as she got closer to me .

realising what she said , but I wasent having any of it . I wanted to fight ...

my some what sinister smirk turned to gut raged anger ...

[ Demis pov ]

my anger had sup sided as I saw Rachels anger rise in her . I was expecting her to be mad but the look in her eyes and her whole demeanor was scary .

I walked closer to her but she just stood her ground in anger .

"what the fuck is wrong with me", she said . "let's list them all shall we", she said with an sarcastic tone .

" well lets see ; I was raped and beat by my father , bullied constantly , the only person I loved at the time was gone , cut my self constantly , tried to commit suicide mutiple times , depressed , do want to continue", she said widening her eyes yelling at me .

"Rachel now ho-", I said trying to reason with her but cut off . she stood up and backed me into the wall . she was so pissed at I don't even know why , I'm the one who is suppost to be mad . right ?

she pretty much hovered over me . "let's name some stuff wrong with you , how does that make you feel", she said .

I saw the tears glistening in her eyes as she just stared at me . before I could say anything she started to yell .

"let's see , who was the one to almost commit suicide , cut her self over an week with out telling anyone , stopped taking her meds and almost died . I think the real question here is 'what is wrong with you'.

"there a lot of things wrong with you", she said growling in my ear . I was already scared for my life because one : I'm being held up against the wall , two : this is not the real Rachel.

she just stared at me blankly while I was trying to cower in an corner . "is my big sister scared", she said with an smirk stepping a little closer to me .

"n-no I'm not", I said with more confidence and pushed her away from .

she stumbled back before charging back at me .

[ Rachels pov ]

you could say I'm insane , or just having a little fun .

I was basically straddling demi holding her down . my adrenalin was sky high and I'm not coming down . she was struggling under me while calling out .

I just kept an smug smile on face . I'm in the heat of the moment right now . I'm having the time of my life .

I was just smiling like an idiot watching her struggle until I was yanked off of her .

[ Dylan's pov ]

I ran to Rachels room and saw her straddling demi . she had like an sick grin on het face which , in no way was the Rachel I knew . I yanked her off of demi and threw her body against the wall .

I pinned her arms above her head as she just fumed in rage . "what the fuck is going on!?!", I yelled at both of them struggling to keep Rachel still .

"ask the uncountable girl your holding down , she attacked me !", she stated . demi got up to me and Rachel.  "I know something is up but you need to fucken collect yourself together ! I will not alow this in my house . I'm leaving ill be back later ", she said and left out of the room .

I looked at Rachel , which I might add who was still in her bra and panties but that's not really not the problem here . she stated into space as if she were to realise what was going on like she was processing something .

this was not Rachel , something is wrong here ...

I looked back up at her and spoke "baby girl ,what going on ? what's happening ?".

she hung her head low and lifted it back up . "you havent called me that in an while"...

its true I haven't , but I really don't know why I stopped . but I knew she loved being called "baby girl" ...

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