a match in water ...chapter 63

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A/n this just an filler chapter . just wait till the 10th grade starts in an couple of weeks ..... :o !

[ Dylan's pov ]

I automatically woke up around 5am guessing demi wouldny be here still . I looked at my surroundings just making sure everything was ok .

I looked down at Rachel curled up into Me like an ball , peacefuly sleeping for the first time in 3 days . An smile broke through my lips as I kissed her forehead .

I pretty much studied her face for like 5 minutes .call me an creep but , I don't care ! she is beautiful to Me in every way .

I layed my head back on my pillow and drifted back to sleep .


I woke up again to Rachel getting up slowly from my bed . the sun light was out so I'm assuming it was 8:00 am . she didn't look like she was trying to get away from me , more like she was in pain .

I sat up while she sat at the end of the huddled over . I placed my hand on her back and she was shivering , not to mention it was freaken cold outside .

I got out of bed and walked around to face her . I knelt down and said " babe , what's wrong ?". she just shook her head and grabbed her stomach and muttered out " I don't know my stomach really hurts ".

I figured as much , she had been eating every since we got back from the hospital . and I guess her body wasent prepared for her to stop again.

I had been eating , I even gained an pound ! but I still had those nights like Rachel did but I always blocked them out thinking about her .

I focused back at her and said " have you been eating ?". she looked directly up at me and said " I'm cold , do you wanna go in the Jacuzzi ? ".

I shook my head " no no , your getting out of this that easily . now have you been eating ? ", I asked her more of question I already knew the answer to it thought .

I came up with an little idea instead . " ok , so you wanna go to the Jacuzzi and I want you to eat . how about we eat breakfast and get in after . sound good ?".

she sighed and shook her head slowly . I tilted her head up and she looked at me worried . no words could describe how I just wanted her to be healthy and happy .

no matter how many times I tell her she will never believe me , only for the moments she hears it .

I piggy backed her downstairs to the couch . and got two bowls for cereal . I really just wanted to shove an whole buffet down her throat haha but I'm pretty sure I would be dead if I did That !

so ill stick with cereal for the moment and build her up to bigger meals . I have I don't know what has been going on . I guess these therapy sessions are actually working .

but for Rachel her sessions don't work well , she is just very paranoid . but we stopped for the moment since its summer break and school starts in 3 weeks .

so we will start up again when school starts . I looked over at her and she was smiling at the t.v. I hadn't even realised it was on . I tune out to much . haha

once I finished preparing are bowls of cereal , I called Rachel over . she slumped over here with an jokingly frown . she seemed happy . I don't know why , but I'm sure as hell not gonna do anything to Change it .

I gave her bowl and she looked up at me as she sat down " do I have tooooo ", she whined . I chuckled and said " faster you eat , the faster we can get in the Jacuzzi ".

she just smirked at me and ate her cereal . I was surprised she just ate it with no hesitation . I don't think she wanted to starve herself , she was just going to old habits . 

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