Near death ...chapter 30

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[ Rachels pov ]

I sat there for what seemed like forever . I didn't really love jack , I loved Dylan .

"I need to talk to him!". I thought to myself . I walked to his room with so much anxiety . I knocked on the door and it flung open .

I saw ...Dylan .

just hanging there . he was still flinching I could save him I thought . " DEMI GET THE FUCK OVER HERE NOWWW !!". Demi came rushing in to see my trying to get Dylan down from the celing .

demi took the chair and put it back under his feet so he could stand . and she got some scissors from the drawer and cut the rope  from  the celing .

I layed Dylan  on the bed and took the rope off his neck . he was gasping for air then went unconscious .


demi called the ambulance and they took him . I sat with him in the ambulance while demi drove to the hospital .  the only thing I said to him hoping he would here is " I love you ".

I said over a billion times in his ear before the rushed him in .they rushed him in hooking him  up to Oxygen tanks and shit . they wouldn't let me in no matter how much I begged  to see him , be with him  .

I went to the waiting room and sat down . I cried and cried until demi came and sat near me and said " you love him right ? ".

I looked at her puzzled and said " of course ".

" then stop crying , you love him so much you know its gonna be ok" . I  smiled  slightly and hugged her tightly . the nurse walked over to us and I got an sick gut feeling .  I got tense as she walked up to me , demi just rubbed my back as she made her way to us .

she looked at demi and said " hello Ms.lovato dylan is doing very well , we have on suicide watch just to keep an eye on him . he has awaken and is getting very strong . he seemed to of had an panic attack and lost consciousness .

demi looked at her and said " can we seem him ". she nodded and lead us to his room . she left after and demi looked at me and said " you first ". I sighed and nodded . I walked in the room to see dylan hooked up to monitors .

he looked at me and didn't look away . he had caring eyes more then hatred in them . it made feel a bit relieved .

[ Dylans pov ]

I woke up not knowing where I was . also just figuring out I'm not dead .

I then looked around and realised I was at the hospital . I saw the door open , expecting it to be Rachel . but instead it was just the nurse , she came to me and said " you have visitors Dylan , I'm happy you got better ".

I said " ok they can come ". she left to go get them . I sat myself up thinking about how much I missed Rachel and demi . I love rachel , so damn much . I want to fix this between us , she dosent love jack she loves me . I saw my door creek open and Rachel running towards me . she yelled with the door closing behind her " DYLAN I'M SO SORRY PLEASE DYLAN GIVE ME AN CHANCE LET ME EXPLAIN . IM SORRY I LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU !".

she hugged me so tight and I hugged back . I said " come here Rachel ". she came closer to me and I grabbed her face and kissed her . after I said " I forgive you ! I always loved you I never ever in an billion years would have never hated you ".

she kissed me and said " I've missed you so much , your love and kisses I missed you Dylan ".

I'm guessing got angry at her self and hit herself in the head and said " how could I do that to you . I made want to take your life just cause I let my non existing emotions get in the way of are relationship ".

I grabbed her hand and kissed them . I said to her while she cuddled up to me in the bed and said " never will we break up like this . I will never do this to myself or yourself . you are my half of me when your gone im gone . I LOVE you Rachel and I couldn't ask for more ".

she smiled and kissed my head . I asked her how long I have to stay and she said " well your on suicide watch but its possible they will let you out today .

I said ok as I held her in my arms . I looked down at my fresh cuts . they didn't even burn until now . "these will never heal "I mutterd under my breath .

Rachael looked at me then down and said " yes they will , there not deep this time ". I sighed and looked down . I knew she had been cutting herself but I didn't want to talk about it yet , until we got home .

"can I talk to demi rach"

she said "ofcourse" and went to go get her . demi  walked in the room and ran towards me . she hugged me so tight ! I was expecting questions but. no .

she looked on Me and said " you ready to go baby boy ". I giggled, yes giggled

" yea , I am ". she then helped me out of the bed and said " we still have to talk about this shit at home " .

I sighed and said happily after " Rachel and I are back together !". she looked at me ear to ear and said " YES OMG YES I KNEW YOU GUYS WOULD FIND EACH OTHER AGAIN !".

I hugged her as we walked out the hospital . hand in hand with Rachel . I felt happy at the moment, l I felt like as if an burden was lifted off my shoulders . it felt good . I was loved again and I knew it .

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