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So about that girl, Eagle. I've watched her go through everything. Her first boyfriend, her first breakup, her first kiss, her first high school party, and everything in between. I didn't mind watching her go through everything but I wanted to be something to her. I wanted to be more than her best friend. If I'm being honest I wanted to date her but I knew it'd never happen.

She sees me as someone who's there for her when she needs advice about a boy. She doesn't see me as the boy she needs advice about.

After continuous amounts of flirting, nothing seemed to work. Sophomore year was filled with awkward pick-up lines, being friend zoned, and spending all my money on her favorite drinks. I asked a mutual friend of ours, Antonio, what to do to get her to realize my feelings without having to tell her. He claimed that I just had to turn up the flirting and she'd catch on eventually.

I'd normally get her a smoothie from the snack stand at school and toss it to her as we'd sit down. My master plan was to throw the smoothie especially hard to the point it'd hurt to catch it. I hoped that she'd make a remark about how hard I threw the drink and to my luck, the plan fell into action. I asked to see her hand since it was obviously red and she was upset. Attempting to be smooth I took her hand in mine and casually slipped my fingers into hers.

She's never made a remark about us holding hands and I've been doing it ever since. I'm not good with my emotions and can't tell her that I want to be more than friends so I've just been hoping that maybe she'd say something. I've been going pretty steady with my subtle hints but I think I need to turn up the heat. Sophomore year's almost over and I need to make a move before it ends.

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